Chapter One Hundred and Four [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Four-

"If I follow the coast, will that take me all the way back to Mock Town?" Luffy asked.

"Yes, I believe it will" Robin nodded.

"Hey, where are you going?!" Cricket called out as soon as Luffy started to walk away. "Don't be an idiot! You can't possibly take on this Bellamy guy all by yourself!" he frowned just as he started to stand, only to stop when Zoro suddenly held out one of his swords.

"If you want to stop him, use this..." the swordsman muttered.

"I doubt that'd be enough to stop him" I said, crossing my arms.

"Kid! Don't do it!" Cricket shouted after the captain.

"I'll be back by morning, guys" Luffy said, cracking his knuckles as Nami heaved a dejected sigh. Her shoulders now slumping in defeat when she realized there was no reasoning with the captain as his mind was clearly made up. Shaking her head, she frowned before going straight into explaining to him a few things that she felt were important for him to know before he left. Luffy only nodded in return, barely even looking like he was listening to a word she said before finally, he took off the second her mouth stopped moving.


"Fix the ship, monkey crew! Fix the ship! Bang the nails, monkey crew! Bang the nails!" Masira and Shoujou's men chanted as they diligently worked on the ship. "Saw the wood, monkey crew! Saw the wood!" it was like a ritual the way that they chanted as they worked.

"Wow, these guys must be pretty tough" Usopp said in awe as he watched the men work. "They were just beaten unconscious and now they're fixing the ship—either they're the world's fastest healers or Chopper's the world's best doctor" he said as he peeked over towards the reindeer that was currently on Cricket's back and watching as said man cut a piece of wood.

"Why not both? Although, Chopper is a pretty great doctor" I smiled.

"Why didn't you go with Luffy?" Nami scowled, currently hovering around Zoro who was busy fixing the mast.

"What? What's with you?" Zoro frowned. "Fight, don't fight. Go, don't go. Do this, no do that—make up your mind already" he irritably huffed.

"Huh? You're scared?" Nami questioned. "Those guys did beat you pretty good around the first time" she sneered.

"That's what you think? You don't get it..." Zoro grumbled. "They didn't beat us—refusing a fight doesn't mean we were afraid. When there's no reason to fight the only way to win is to stand down" he calmly explained.

"Oh, I see, stand down—real brave" Nami nodded, sounding unamused as she rolled her eyes.

"You don't know anything about fighting! Just shut up!" Zoro snapped, angrily banging a fist against the mast.

"Don't tell me to shut up like it matters! You never listen anyway!" Nami snapped right back as she too angrily hit the mast. It didn't take long for the two to start arguing while abusing the ship at the same time. Usopp tried to intervene in an attempt to stop them from further damaging the Going Merry, but the two simply ignored him.

"Nami" I calmly said, gently taking her wrist and stopping her from hitting the mast any further as I stepped between her and Zoro.

"What?" she glared as I grabbed her other hand and now held them both in my own, gently rubbing the back of them with my thumbs.

"You need to calm down—you're clearly stressed out" I softly spoke, watching as that frown of hers deepened. "I know what Zoro's saying doesn't make sense, but to him and many others who fight regularly, it does. There's no point in arguing about this, not when time is running short and we need to get the ship finished before Luffy returns" I gently smiled, causing her to grumble under her breath in response before turning away with a huff. "And you" I quickly whirled around with a displeased look on my face.

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