Chapter One Hundred and Three [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Three-

"Well, the old kook didn't seem to think we'd have trouble finding one" Sanji noted right as a strange sound started to echo throughout the forest.

"Hey, that sounded peculiar" the men pointed out together.

"Great observation" I chuckled.

"Oh, you think?" Nami questioned as her eye twitched in irritation

"Yeah" Luffy smiled, oblivious to the ginger's annoyance.

"Well at least we now know what it sounds like, so that's good" I said as the others nodded in agreement.

"Well, we're here—let's do it and get it over with" Zoro sighed.

"Three nets, three teams—let's split up and bag that bird" Sanji suggested.

"Right!" he, Luffy, and Zoro nodded as they tapped their butterfly nets together.

"Let's go!" Luffy cheered as Chopper happily followed after him. "We're going to beat up a bird!" he laughed.

"Luffy, no" I sweat dropped.

"We're trying to catch it!" Usopp called back as he followed behind Nami and Sanji.

"Looks like that just leaves the three of us" I smiled, grabbing Zoro's hand and intertwining our fingers together as I looked between the remaining two crew members. Robin raised an eyebrow as her gaze flickered down toward mine and Zoro's intertwined hand before giving an amused smile. "It's so he doesn't get lost" I explained as we started to walk.

"I see" she chuckled. 

"Hey!" Zoro embarrassingly snapped.


"Wait" Robin halted as she tilted her head, one hand raised as she quietly listened for something. "That sounded like someone screaming" she said.

"Screaming?" I echoed, tilting my head as well as I tried to listen for the sound she had heard.

"Really?" Zoro grunted as he slashed down an overgrown bug that had been blocking our way. "A centipede and a big one" he remarked, picking and holding up one of the halves of the dead insect so he could examine it.

"Poor thing..." I muttered.

"You don't have to kill every living thing we meet, it's kind of rude" Robin softly scolded as she placed her hands on her hips.

"Well, he shouldn't have snuck up on me" Zoro argued.

"And exactly how could a bug that big sneak up on you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Don't ask me, but he did!" Zoro huffed as he turned around and started to stalk off.

"Hey, wait!" Robin called out, quickly stopping him.

"Now what?" he asked, clearly irritated.

"You're going back the way we came from" she pointed out.

"Yeah, we're heading this way" I said, motioning with my head in the correct direction we were heading. "I told you not to let go of my hand, you'll get lost" I playfully chastised, causing Zoro's face to flush as he narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth as if ready to argue, only to quickly close it the second we heard the call of the South Bird.

"There is it again" Robin said, already walking off in the direction the sound had come from. "Come on—and be careful not to step in the quicksand" she cautiously warned just as I started to follow after her.

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