Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen-

"Do nothing, huh? That's it!" Usopp grinned as he snapped his fingers. "Now all we have to do is hope we don't get charged for loitering—okay, nap time!" and with that, he fell back and instantly relaxed into the clouds as if ready to doze off. Chopper, Luffy, and even Zoro seemed to follow his lead, laying down as well and letting their eyes close as if they all were ready to fall asleep right then and there.

"You sure this plan is better? Sleeping?" I questioned while resting the palms of my hands against my knees as I peered down at the four.

"Of course! What can we possibly do to break the law if we're asleep?" Usopp yawned. I didn't respond and instead opted to look toward Captain McKinley, watching how his eye started to twitch in irritation as the four started to snore.

"How dare they make such a racket on Angel Beach!" he angrily growled. "Listen up! You are all in violation of Skypiea's noise pollution statics which is a sixth-degree crime!" he snapped.

"You mean we can't even snore?" Usopp grounded out in pure irritation.

"That's stupid! You can't help if you snore or not" I frowned.

"Enough already!" Luffy snapped as he bolted upright. "Let's put a beating on this beret-wearing freak!" he growled, already looking ready to start a fight.

"Yeah, let's" Zoro agreed.

"Stop it! Guys, cool down!" Usopp quickly begged. "Let's sit down and take a breather, okay? Zoro, Luffy, Chopper, and Skylar? There's no reason for us—"

"I'm back!" Nami's loud voice cut the sharpshooter off as she came riding toward us on the Sky Waver, finally making her reappearance.

"Nami, baby! I missed you!" Sanji wildly waved his arms around as he called out to the navigator with a love-struck expression.

"Thank goodness, she's alright" I sighed in relief upon seeing the ginger safe and sound.

"Luffy! Promise you won't start any trouble, okay?" she suddenly called out much to my surprise, I hadn't expected that to be her first concern upon reappearing.

"I don't know if I can keep that promise" Luffy frowned as he clenched his jaw in irritation and continued to glare at McKinley and his men.

"Hey, Nami! We need you to fork up 80,000,000 belis from your stash to pay for all the fines we've got!" Usopp called out to the woman without a second thought.

" you think now is the right time to tell her about the fines?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Usopp asked, tilting his head.

"Oh good, we pay the fine and we're clear" Nami gave a strained smile before her eyes narrowed.

"Because she has a look of murder on her face" I pointed out.

"Did he say 80,000,000?!" she hatefully glowered as the waver started to pick up speed.

"What?" McKinley blinked in confusion the minute he heard the roar of the Sky Waver nearby.

"You're ripping us off!" Nami snapped in frustration, ramming the waver straight into the man's face and sending him flying. "Oh crap! I was so pissed off, I forgot to hit the brakes" she gasped in realization once she calmed down enough to properly think.

"Ouch!" Zoro and Usopp hissed.

"Bit too rough there" I winced.

"Captain?!" the White Berets worriedly cried as they all quickly huddled around their captain.

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