Chapter Fourteen [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Fourteen-

"That's the power of the Clone Clone Fruit" the odd man happily boasted.

"That's amazing!" Nami awed.

"I have to agree, that is a pretty neat power—you could basically get away with anything by pretending to be someone else" I chuckled.

"The face and the voice matched perfectly" Usopp praised as the man twirled past everyone—gently touching our cheeks in the process.

"You see, I didn't have to hit you that hard, okay—now watch!" he grinned before touching his right hand to his face and instantly changing his features to that of Usopp's. "All I have to do is touch my right hand to you, as you can see, I can turn into anyone!" he proudly boasted as he started switching between our felt weird seeing my own face...

I didn't like it.

"That's not all, I can change bodies too" coming to a halt at Nami's appearance, he suddenly pulled open his shirt without warning and flashed the men in front of him. This simple act was enough to get Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper to freak out just a little as I loudly whistled.

"Stop that!" Nami snapped as she hit the man on top of the head. "You too, Skylar!" she quickly turned while jabbing a finger in my direction.

"Hey now, some people see that as a compliment" I cheekily grinned before raising my hand in defense when I saw her glare only sharpen as she lowly growled, her gaze promising a fate far worse than death if I didn't back down.

"Well, aren't you quite the flirt" Zoro snorted from beside me as he crossed his arms.

"I know—perhaps one day you too could be as charming as me" I joked, the grin on my face only growing wider the second I heard him bark out of laugh.

"Yeah, maybe" he chuckled with a nod as if humoring the idea.

"Uh...guy? Are you okay?" Luffy worriedly asked as he peered down at the crumpled figure on the floor...Nami really did a number on the poor guy, though can't say that I blame her.

"Oh, well I'm terribly sorry" the strange man weakly apologized. "But I shouldn't demonstrate my power anymore" he said, quickly bouncing back up off the ground and onto his feet as if he had never been hurt in the first place.

"No, please do more!" Luffy begged as Usopp and Chopper started to cheer in the background as if encouraging the man to continue showing off his power.

"Okay, if you insist, then I guess I can demonstrate some more" he grinned, easily giving into the three's demand with very little resistance as if he too was excited to continue showing off his ability.

"He's really hamming it up, huh?" Namii questioned.

"I can assume that this might be the first time he's actually had himself an audience to show off his ability to" I guessed as she, Zoro, and I watched from the sidelines as the man twirled around—continuously changing his appearance as he did so.

"This is boring..." Zoro suddenly grumbled as he leaned back against the railing.

"Maybe to you, but I think it's pretty neat" I hummed.

"How so?" Nami asked.

"It's just an extreme form of acting when you really think about it, except better" I pointed out. "Not only is he donning the appearance of another person altogether, but their voice as well—just imagine what one could do with an ability like that, all the good and bad things you could get away with" I said. "You can simultaneously better or utterly ruin a person's life with an ability like that...also, haven't you ever wondered what it'd be like to be another person once in your life?" I asked.

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