Chapter One Hundred and Fifty [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-

"You three..." Kobato calmly spoke as she turned and approached us.

"Um...yes, Dr. Kobato?" Nami nervously asked, giving the woman a weak smile.

"Figures we'd be caught eventually..." I sighed, rubbing the back of my head.

"I guess we should have told you this earlier, but those pirates they're looking for..." Chopper shakily began as he and the navigator started to freak out even more the closer the woman got.

"Don't worry, everything will be okay—we'll get you to safety" Kobato suddenly assured us, gently taking our hands.

"Eh?" I owlishly blinked, not expecting such a reaction.

"You heard what those men said—there are pirates disguised as doctors and for all we know, they could be nearby" she worriedly frowned.

"Oh..." I murmured before softly huffing a smile, honestly touched by the woman's genuine concern for us despite the fact that none of us really deserved it. Surely she had to realize that the pirates in disguise were us.

"Um...yeah...about that—they are nearby because...they're kind of us..." Chopper hesitantly admitted, choosing to be honest with the woman instead of taking advantage of her ignorance. "We're who they're looking for—don't you get it, doctor lady? We're the pirates!"

"Look, you seem like a nice person and we're sorry to put you through this, we won't hurt you" Nami assured the woman. "So don't scream, all we want from you is the location of the docks so we can get back to our ship."

"That's right" I nodded. "If you help us with that, then we'll be out of your hair" I promised.

"You're the pirates?!" Kobato screamed once she really processed what we were saying, causing the men outside knocks on the door to become more frantic until they were practically banging on it. I jolted the second the woman lost consciousness, the realization that she was stuck in a room with three pirates enough to overwhelm her and cause her to fall right over.

"That scream! Dr. Kobato?!" one of the men worriedly shouted.

"What happened?!" the other frantically asked.

"Are you alright?!" they both shouted.

"Something's wrong, let's knock it down!" one of them finally ordered, deciding that brute force was the only way they were going to get into the room.

"Hold on! We're coming!" they assured the unconscious woman.

"What to do...what to do..." Nami frantically muttered, hurriedly searching the room before her eyes brightened the moment she spotted the discarded rope in the room that she was quick to shove in Chopper's hooves before giving out hushed orders. When the men finally barged into the room, instead of finding pirates, all they found were the passed-out bodies of the doctor and two nurses tied up.

"Doctor...what the...?!" one of the men quickly rushed to Nami's side while the other did the same with me. I watched through half-lidded eyes as everything slowly started to play out in our favor as the men bought the rushed plan that Nami had made up on the spot. "Are you alright, miss? Say something!" the men did quick work in untying us before hurriedly standing back up and looking around the room for any signs of an intruder. It didn't take them long to spot the open vent. "They escaped through the air ducts!"

"Nurses, you sure the pirates went up there?" the second soldier questioned once he noticed that we were now beginning to "wake up" and come to.

"Yes, and if you hurry, you can probably catch them!" Nami nodded.

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