Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Seven [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Seven-

"Do you have anything in mind, Swordswoman?" Robin curiously asked as I hummed in thought.

"I'm kind of leaning toward Sanji's assumption from earlier that that kid had something to do with it along with the odd-sounding horn" I admitted, unable to shake what the men had said earlier. Surely there had to be a connection between them all being asleep, hearing that strange horn, and dreaming about the kid—I had heard the horn last night as well, yet still had my memory which implies that there had to be more to it.

"It sounds hard to believe—how would a child be able to pull something like that off?" Robin asked.

"That's just it, I don't know..." I huffed, shoulders slumping as I furrowed my brow. We had three separate pieces of information, but no way of really knowing if they actually fit together or not—all we had were assumptions and that wasn't much help to any of us. For all we know, one or none of what we knew at the moment had anything to do with everyone's sudden memory loss...but it sounded ridiculous to think that. Surely the fact that everyone who had lost their memory recalled going to bed, hearing a horn in their sleep, and dreaming about a child means that the kid and that strange horn had to be responsible in some way for what's happening.

"Right! Finally done!" Usopp suddenly exclaimed, catching everyone's attention. "This is my greatest invention yet" he proudly grinned.

"Then I'm sure it's amazing..." Sanji sarcastically muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Come on now, be nice..." I murmured.

"Yep, you called it, my friend—behold!" Usopp boasted, ignoring the blonde's sarcasm as he proudly showed off a bunch of painted board signs. "Thanks to me, it doesn't even matter if we lose our memories! I call them Identity Boards!" he grinned as we looked down at the makeshift nametag necklaces—each one designed differently from the last.

"Great idea" Robin praised.

"Oh! They look rather lovely!" I complimented as I picked up my own board, fingers running around its smooth edges as I admired its design—impressed with the sharpshooter craftmanship.

"A question mark? That's rude!" Luffy frowned when he saw that his nametag was in the design of a question mark.

"I am not an emergency food source!" Chopper snapped, displeased with what was written on his nametag.

"What's with the hearts on mine?" Sanji irritably asked, causing me to giggle—even if the blond didn't agree with them, they worked quite well with his design considering how much of a flirt he is.

"Yep, now we'll always know who we are—cool, huh" Usopp smiled before flinching when he was suddenly hit over the head as the necklaces he made were angrily tossed overboard, causing my smile to dimmish and be replaced with a frown

"Don't waste your time on stupid stuff!" Sanji snapped before flinching when I suddenly smacked the back of his head.

"How about you learn some manners—it's rude to destroy someone else's hard work!" I scolded. 

-That Night-

"Is something a matter?" Robin asked as I suddenly shot up from my seat—the others had long since retired for the night, leaving just the two of us awake as we offered to keep an eye out just in case that mysterious kid the others described happened to come back around.

"No...I'm just worried is all..." I softly murmured, nervously fidgeting as I began to pace the longer I let my mind wander—unable to sit still any longer. "Look, I know it would be best to wait, but...I really think I should go and see if Zoro's alright" I frowned. "Him being out there alone with that awful sense of direction of his is putting me on edge—I'm afraid he might leave the island if he gets too you think I could go look for him?" I hesitantly asked despite already knowing the answer.

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