Chapter Thirty [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Thirty-

"That's no problem, Vivi" Sanji said once the princess had finished going over her plan.

"Alright! Now things are getting interesting!" Luffy grinned.

"What do you mean by interesting?" Chopper questioned.

"Just means that he's excited" I said as I started putting up my hair.

"Hold on, Luffy, you need to calm down" Nami frowned as she tried to reel in the captain's excitement. "This isn't a game, understand?" she asked.

"Yeah, yeah—basically, we're going to track down these fake Rebel guys and beat them up, right?" he asked, grin only getting bigger as he eagerly nodded.

"I don't think he understands at all" I sweat dropped, tying my bandana as I made sure my hair was properly stuffed inside. "But then again, what's new..." I muttered with the roll of my eyes as I straightened out the cloth wrapped around my head.

"Of course, he doesn't understand—he doesn't understand a thing, someone needs to put him on a leash" Sanji sighed.


"Fuck, it's really hot today..." I lowly cursed from my place amongst the men, unable to hide my displeasure of having to stand out underneath the hot desert sun as we waited for the "Rebel soldiers" to make their appearance. It felt like an eternity standing there before they finally arrived, their faces scrunched up into looks of utter defeat as they stared wide-eyed at the six of us. Fear seemed to take hold of them the second they realized there was nowhere for them to run—no gaps for them to squeeze by and book it.

"Get 'em! Get 'em, invincible Rebel Army!" a chubby man loudly cheered from atop the wall that surrounded the village and kept out any unwanted guests.

"What's that? You're a Rebel soldier?" Luffy growled in a tone that genuinely sounded doubt he was having fun.

"No, nothing of the sort—we're just simple travelers passing through!" the supposed leader of the group quickly and quietly explained, blond hair now drenched in sweat as he tried his hardest not to shout and give away his and his men ruse to the townsfolk that watched from above.

"Now say your prayers—you dastardly sea pirates are dead!" the chubby man from earlier screamed. "These brave Rebel soldiers are going to make mincemeat out of a whole lot of you, you cowardly thieves!" he boasted, confident in the abilities of the men that continued to cower before us.

"Stop talking, you're not helping!" the blond angrily cried out.

"Right, right, Camu" the heavy man quickly nodded. "It won't happen again, please carry on—I'm not even here" he nervously laughed with the wave of his hand, finally settling down and backing off.

"Hey, according to the crowd, you guys are the real deal" Luffy said.

"No! No, you don't understand!' Camu tensed, quickly shaking his head.

"We're in trouble, big bro" a tall, dark, and overly skinny man whimpered from behind the blond.

"Dammit! Our one chance to escape is gone!" a small and overly heavy man bitterly hissed. "What do we do, big bro?" he suddenly asked, looking to the blond beside him for guidance.

"Stop asking me!" Camu snapped before huddling closer to his men, lowly whispering to them something that I couldn't quite hear. "If it's a fight you want, consider yourselves warned because we aren't the only Rebel soldiers around here in the village! There are a hundred million more like us!" the blond suddenly shouted.

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