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I moved my leg up to see if I could grab the pocket knife I kept on me to feel it wasn't there.
'Shit. Just think River. Where else do you hide weapons?..... the thigh.'
I moved to give me enough room to collect my butterfly knife I always kept hidden on me unless I couldn't and began to cut the rope that tied me to the pole.
'I just need to remember how I got here.'

~(7 days ago)~

Three days and we still had nothing. I was beginning to think that this was all some stupid ploy to get me here so the stalker could do something at my house.
"Lil Ripper, why don't you take a nap or something?"
"I'm fine Richard. I'm just trying to work this out."
"Your not jealous are you?"
"Why would I be jealous?"
"You've just been giving Kate a lot of dirty looks and she's spending a lot of time with Spencer...."
"I trust Spencer and he is not the reason I'm giving her dirty looks. I just have a bad gut feeling about her."
"You have a gut feeling?"
"Yes. You and my father always used to say to me, 'Gut instincts are what your brain is trying to tell you when not even it knows how to say it.' This is blaring all the alarms in my head and gut."
"I'm not saying what your feeling isn't wrong. But could it be that your just feeling all these things because of everything we are doing?"
"Richard I don't trust Kate. I'm sorry that I can't stop the alarms and make them tell me that something isn't wrong here, when there is."
"River. I'm just saying that maybe it's not that you actually think something is wrong with Kate, but your emotions are just jumbled."
"Out of everyone Richard.... I didn't think you would be someone who told me I'm just confused. You've accepted me as family after everything. You said to me love is love and it doesn't matter who it is, as long as you are happy and safe. You told me trust my gut instincts no matter what, when I moved to Washington. And now your telling me I'm confused?"
"River that's not what I'm saying."
"Your meant to be a father to me. Fathers trust their kids." I told before getting up and leaving the station.

I was sitting under a tree in the park when I heard footsteps.
"I don't want to talk Richard."
"Name isn't Richard." Rossi told making me get a small smile on my face.
I looked up to him to see he was moving to sit down next to me.
"You'll ruin your suit."
"But Il mio piccolo genio is upset."
"Your just gonna think the same thing as everyone else."
"Try it."
"I don't trust Kate. And before you think it, I'm not jealous because of her spending time with Spencer."
"Trust me. I know when someone is jealous. And you aren't jealous."
"Richard just thinks I don't trust her because of everything going on."
"What do you feel?"
"I feel like I can't trust her.... that I'm scared of her and what she can do. But I don't know why."
"I wouldn't know either. But I'll believe you all the way River, no matter what." He told making me give him a hug as I could tell tears were going down my face.
"Thank you David."
"Anything for you kid."

"River I would like you to go with Reid and Kate again." Hotch told
"This is only a two person job sir." Kate told
"If River is fine with it then it's ok then."
"What you say River?"
"I don't care." I told to see she gave a eerie smile that everyone took as kind.
They walked off but I was quick to stop Spencer before going further since I wanted to tell him.
"What's up?"
"Spencer I don't exactly have a good gut feeling about her."
"She's helping us."
"Look I don't know why I just don't. She seems familiar I just can't remember where though."
"River could it be that your jealous of her."
"Why would I be jealous of her?"
"Because she has been working a lot with me to find your stalker and....."
"I'm not jealous of her Spence. I just have a bad feeling about her and this whole thing."
"Dr.Reid we need to leave if we are going to get to the place in time."
"I have to go River."
"Just please be careful of her."
"I will." He told before giving me a kiss on the forehead and leaving with her.
"Il mio piccolo genio, we are going to go and ask the girls coworkers questions. Just you and me."
"Thanks papa Rossi."
He offered his arm to me and I linked with it and went to go ask questions.
'I'm glad Rossi believes me.'

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