Your saying what?!

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(River p.o.v)

I was tapping my foot as I waited for the kettle to boil when someone spoke.
"Little Finley! How you doing?"
"Would love some coffee which will be granted when the kettle finishes boiling." I told.
"You know your attitude reminds me of your old mans."
"What can I say? He was a prick in his final years."
"Look I heard what happened to him. It's not easy knowing how he was shot....."
"Let me cut you off there. He was shot and died. That was when I was 8, so I am perfectly fine and don't need anyone to tell me he was a great man and everyone was heartbroken when he died. Now if you don't mind I would like to be left alone with the coffee machine."
"I'm here if you want to talk about your father at all. My door is always open for you." He told before leaving.
I placed my face in my hands and let out a groan before the kettle went off. I poured my cup and set it down before I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump.
"Hey sorry it's just me."
'Thank god it's Spencer.'
I turned my head around and looked at him giving him a crooked smile.
"Coffee?" I asked
I pushed my cup to him before I poured another cup for me.
"Is everything ok Spencer?"
"Yeah it's fine. Why wouldn't it be?"
"You've been acting off since you met your jealous of him."
"I'm not jealous."
"If you say so." I told before taking my cup and headed to the others.
"Garcia just sent us deaths that happened around the same time as the band being in that town." Hotch told
"Guess you saying they are staying on the suspect list was a good decision Baby."
"Wait you said that?" J asked
"Well yeah. Just cause they are my friends doesn't mean I will turn a blind eye."
"This is why you are il nostro piccolo genio."
"I still have no clue what your calling me." I deadpanned making him smile more.
"Should we bring them in for questioning then?" Prentiss asked.
Before anyone of us could say anything my phone began to ring.
"Spooky." I told before picking up and putting it on speaker

"This is River, your on speaker."
"River we have a bit of a situation here!"
"What's wrong Tim?"
"Well, we found our lead singer dead."
"Na pretty sure it's not that."
"What makes you say that?"
"'s easier if you and your team come down to the club to see. Don't worry we are all staying in our spots like you told us to. Vix I swear to god I'm going to round house kick you if you try to touch her! Sorry I gotta go. Just hurry please."

He hung the phone up and I looked at them all.
"I'm gonna go to that." I told as I placed my cup on the table and walked out of the building.
'This can't be a coincidence.'
"Finley wait up!" Hotch shouted from behind me.
"Hotch unless you are coming with I'm going."
"I was telling you to wait so you don't go alone." He told.
I looked behind him to see Prentiss, Morgan and J follow after us.
"I'm guessing your going to be covering the news at the pub then J?"
"You are right about that."
"Cool. Well if we do not leave now I will book it to the pub." I told.
"Come on baby. You can sit right next to me in the front." Morgan told as he lead me to the cars.
'There must be a reason Spencer is staying at the station. He says he isn't jealous but I know he is.'
We soon got back to the club and I rushed in with everyone and headed to the back. I rushed into the room and froze in my spot next to Tim and I looked down at the scene before us.
"Now I know what you mean this isn't a drug overdose."
"We are the main suspects aren't we?" Tim asked.
"Yeah. You guys are." I told
Everyone else came in and froze to their spots as they saw everything.
"What a reunion huh." Tim stated making me have to bite my lip to stop myself from smirking "when did you start biting your lip?"
"A few years ago."
"Very attractive."
"Tim we gotta focus. Did you call the cops?"
"I called you didn't I."
"Jesus dude. Calling me one thing is different to calling the actual station."
"I'll call Chief Wiggins." Hotch told before he left.
"Come on guys. Let's get you out of the room." Morgan told as he began to lead them out of the room.
"No I don't wanna leave her man."
"Vix. I know you loved her but we gotta get you guys out of the room and question you guys for your alibi."
"River have you ever loved anyone so much you would have died for them."
"Yes. My boyfriend now and my handsome boy band." I told as I grabbed his hand to help lead him out of the room.
We set them all down and I went to go look at the vic but couldn't since Vix wouldn't let my hand go.
"Please stay here River."
"Vix I gotta go do my job."
"I know. But I haven't seen you in so long and you were always better then the other two dumbasses at cheering me up."
"That's cold dude."
"Look I'll make a deal. I will personally escort you back to the station with us, if and only if, you let me go see your girlfriend."
"Joe, Tim. Please make sure he stays hydrated."
"Your the boss Rio."
I got up and made my way back to where she was and was able to think more.
'She was obviously thrown into the mirror first then she tried to fight back some more till the was stabbed 32 times. This unsub obviously didn't want any chance of her living. Feel so bad for Vix as well.'
The police walked in to get the photos done and I went and told Hotch I was going to take the others back to the station to have them be interviewed.
"Take Morgan with you." He told
"Yeah baby?"
"Come on we are heading back to the station. Boys!"
"Yeah Rio?"
"Come on." I told.
They quickly got up and followed after us and we headed back to the station.
'This will be fun.'

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