Drunk secrets

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"The fact that pineapples eat you while you eat them is so messed up. I'm still not over the fact that they are a bunch of berries that fuse together!"
"I thought it would be more on the lines of what she is into in bed." Derek told making me look him dead in the eyes and waited for him to begin drinking before I spoke.
He spit up his drink making everyone laugh and ignore what I just said.
"Baby girl you into some freaky stuff aren't you." He told one he got over the whole surprise.
"I mean I haven't done everything just mainly that. I wanted to try it when I was with Tim and so we did. He was absolutely terrified I might pass out but he still did it for me. Never let Mike did it though, Jesus I didn't feel that amount of trust with him that I have with Tim and my new boyfriend. Who doesn't know about it so don't tell him!"
"Kitten we still haven't met him."
"Oh yeah. Well Hotch and Rossi have."
"They have?!"
"I needed my two not gay dads approval of him..... boogie woogie!"
"Did she make a reference to something?" Em asked
"Let's see." Spencer told before clearing his voice. "Road work ahead?"
"Uh yeah I sure hope it does."
"She is quoting things called Vine. I only know because she forced me to marathon so many."
"It was funny because he hardly understood them."
"Anything else we might find interesting that sober River wouldn't tell us?" Derek asked as he leaned forward a little bit on the table.
"Oh yeah heaps! Like I have not gotten freaky with my new man.... and boy do I wanna but I'm too shy.... except when I'm drunk."
"Oh really."
"Yep. And the reason why I don't like wearing shoes that are close to the floor like flats are because, I would get pushed a lot when I was young and so I began to wear boots and plat forms and they helped me keep balance whenever I was pushed. Hence me never being seen at my actual height."
"You never told me that."
"I mean it all stopped when my parents died and Nik wasn't in the picture anymore."
"You were bullied?"
"Oh yeah! Like a bunch! One time I was locked in my locker for who knows how long and the janitor had to get me out.... my parents didn't really notice I wasn't there since my brother was having a bad episode we will call it. Boy if only we knew then what was gonna happen three years later then, boy would I be such a disappointment to my father even more..... he would have said to me 'River, even though you got to the fbi it still doesn't mean success or that you deserve approval. Because unless you can not have anyone die on every case you work on then it's not got enough in my eyes.' To my father for being the absolute fucken worse."
"Do you need a minute outside?" Spencer asked
"Na I'm good. Oh I this other thing about me that no one knows yet! Wanna hear it?"
"Sure baby."
"I had an aunt Mary who died in a fire when I was a wee baby at the age of uno!"
"You didn't tell me this River." J stated.
"I didn't really tell anyone. I mean my baby cousin was only 6 months old at the time and she died in his room. I only have a few photos of what she looked like. The last time I saw my cousins was when he was in uni and the other one is travelling around 'merica in a car.... cause he shit scared of planes. Fecking wimp." I told before giggling my head off.
"I think drunk River is a new favourite of mine." Derek told making me laugh more.
"I think drunk River is a lot of people's favourites. Like Spencer's, except he calls me a honey bear bee which when I first heard it I thought he was just calling me fat which to be honest there's nothing wrong with a little bit of love handles. A wise man I used to know always said 'Skinny isn't happy.' I miss the man."
"Spencer has seen you drunk?!" Penelope exclaimed
"Oh yeah. I mean we are neighbours and best fr....ends. So we hang out if our other person is busy. Sometimes all four of us hang out if we are able to."
"I think you are cut off for the night River." He told
"What no!"
"Yes your cut off. You'll get alcohol poisoning if you keep drinking."
"Just drink some water." He told as he handed me the glass of water.
"I'm not gonna do what you tell me to do." I told
"Hey River drink this." He told as he held a glass for me.
"Ok." I told as I grabbed it and began to drink it.
"Her IQ goes down to 40 when she's drunk?!" Emily exclaimed making them laugh.
'This is fun.'

After sobering up quite a bit Spencer decided it was a good time to take me home so we said bye to the team and made our way back. I watched the lights go by and we quickly got to our apartments. Spencer helped me to my place and we walked in. We quickly placed our things away and got changed into our pjs when Spencer spoke up.
"Hey River."
"Yes Spencer?" I asked as I looked up at him.
"Was what you said back at the bar true? You enjoy choking?"
"Yeah a bit. If you don't wanna do it then it ain't the end of the world."
He leaned down and kissed me which I returned back. Without realising I felt him slowly bring his hand around my neck and began to put a light pressure onto it. I moaned into his mouth which seemed to make him put a bit more pressure onto my neck. I pulled back and gave him a dopey smirk before I reached up and pulled his hand away.
"Did I do something wrong?" Spencer asked as his face morphed into worry
"No you didn't. It's just I am very drunk and will want to jump you if you continue to do that. And for someone who doesn't forget you forget that I bruise easily."
"I did forget that. How could I forget that?!"
"I'm not that big of a klutz as you are. So I don't randomly get bruises."
"let me check to see if they've begun to form." He told as he quickly brushed my hair to the side and inspected my neck.
"Got any?"
"They are beginning to form where I pushed down. But that's about it."
"Guess I will be wearing an outfit where my neck is hidden."
"Isn't that most of what you wear?"
"It is."
'What a weird night.'

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