Please stop Gramps.

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I was making some coffee in my shops break room only to have Jade speak making me jump.
"So is there a reason there's an old dude saying he knows you?"
"Old dude?" I asked as I looked towards her.
"Yeah. I don't know man, he ain't one of the regulars."
"I'll go see." I told before heading to the front of the shop.
Once I walked out and saw who it was I froze to my spot. He looked over at me and extended his arms as he walked over towards me.
"IQ!" He exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around me.
"IQ?" Jade asked
"Hey Gramps."
"Your so tall now!"
"I wear platforms." I told as I gave him a few pats on the back. "Gramps I think the hug is long enough."
He pulled back and messed my hair up before looking towards Jade.
"Hi, I'm Jade."
"Is she like a replacement for Grace?"
"No she isn't. Jade works at the shop Pop."
"Ah. How are those two?"
"The usual. Parenting me and wanting me to do more with things. How's things with you?"
"It has been good. Me and Alice have been spending time and doing what we do."
"That's good Pop."
"I have been told you finally became a FBI agent."
"I'm so gonna kill him!" I told making him chuckle.
"I don't doubt it IQ. But I am hungry, so why don't we go get some lunch."
"I would enjoy that. Are you able to handle the shop for a bit?" I asked as I looked towards her.
"Of course. And if one of your team mates come down to say 'Hi!', I'll tell them you are having lunch."
"Thanks Jade." I told before grabbing my bag and heading off with my grandfather.

Lunch went well with my grandfather but I got a call saying I needed to pick some things up from the BAU, by Hotch.
"So what is it that you do?" He asked as we walked in.
"I help profile killers and take them down."
"I see your fathers training has payed off."
"Yeah. Still excellent with a broom though." I stated making him laugh as we walked into the elevator.
"You are excellent with a broom, IQ." He told as he messed my hair up.
"I do like my brooms."
"Is there anything I should know about your team?"
"Aaron and David are basically father figures. J is one of my co-workers so you know about her already. Emily treats me like a daughter. Morgan will remind you a bit of Sniper, except I don't hate Morgan. Penelope is very bubbly and will question you about the family, which please promise you won't tell them anything."
"I won't, sweetie."
"Thank you. Oh, there is also Spencer, he won't shake your hand. He is two points behind me in IQ, and is like a male version of me." I told
"You've found people who suit you. Much like your other friends from university."
"Yeah. They care for me."
"They don't know, do they?"
"They know my mother was murdered, they don't know who."
"Losing her was tough. But the family has you, so she is never completely forgotten." He told as he gave my head a kiss before the doors opened.
I headed in before him since he wanted to look over at some of the photos of people who lost their life during work to pay his respects. I walked in and made my way to my desk only to get picked up in a hug.
"Baby, what are you doing here?"
"Picking things up." I told as he put me down.
"You didn't have to come Finley. I know you were meeting someone for lunch." Hotch told as he came walking over.
"It's all good. He wanted to see the place."
"Who were you meeting with?" Spencer asked
"GUYS!" Penelope exclaimed making us all look towards her. "He says his name is Hank and he is the sweetest."
I looked at who was with her and saw that it was my grandfather, who looked pleased with finding Penelope by himself.
"I see you found Penelope."
"I did. She reminds me a lot of Alice and is sweet. Also reminds me of your mother somewhat, IQ."
"IQ?" They asked
"Come on pop. We can introduce you to the rest of the family."
"Pop?" They asked again as they got closer and Penelope worked it out.
"Your her grandfather!"
"I am."
"Tell me all about her family."
"Don't. She's creating a family tree."
"She can't find your cousins because of your last name can she?"
"No she can not. Anywho, everyone this is my pop Hank. Hank this is Aaron and David."
"The two father figures."
"Good to finally meet someone from her family, that's not Daisy." Aaron told as they shook hands.
"We know nothing from her family." David added
"She likes to be private. Got it from Grace and Dave."
"This is Emily."
"The somewhat mother figure."
"You already know about J."
"It's good to hear from you again."
"Good to hear from you again as well Hank."
"This is Morgan."
"Wow he is big."
"It's a pleasure to meet you sir."
"Strong hands as well. I see how he reminds you of Shrimp."
"It's Sniper." I told making them nod. "And you've met Penelope.... who is frozen out of shock."
"So why aren't her and Sniper talking?" She asked
"He did something that she did not agree with." He stated
"And this is Spencer."
"The one who's a male version of you and doesn't shake hands. Does that mean he has his own Grace and Dave?"
"Nope. They don't know about that side of things other then finance and tax."
"Finley, while you are here, we need to go over some information you wanted to run by me the other day."
"Oh yes I remember." I said before turning to my pop. "Don't tell them too much."
"No problem IQ."
I grabbed the envelope I received a few days ago and walked into Hotch's office with him. Once we were in I shut the door behind me and sat in the regular seat for me. Once he was seated I tossed the invite to him and he began to look over it.
"What's this?"
"An invite. I've been told I gotta do it in a month or so, since I'll be able to use my leg without the cane being near."
"Why only you?"
"Would rather not say. But I'm being told I've missed too many so I need to go to them now or I'll get in trouble."
"This says you made a large donation to the Jeffersonian." He stated as he continued to look at the invite.
"Yeah. They help solve crimes in Washington, and have had a very large success rate. I actually have a friend who works there." I told as a small smile came on my face since I knew I would most likely get to see him again after so long of not being able to.
"Will you be bringing Spencer with you?"
"No. They prefer if I don't bring dates since they like to play me off as a single independent woman that could fall in love with anyone there. It's terrible but great at making connections."
"So you need how many days off?"
"Most likely a week at most. Since I'll be needed to do other things while there."
"Very well."
"Can I also ask for a small favour?"
"It depends."
Can we not tell the team about the reason why I'm taking the week off and call it a prior engagement?"
"Of course. Can I ask why?"
"These things, it's a bunch of rich pricks who don't care about things like smarts or how much good you've done. All they like doing is comparing how much they've donated and how rich one person is. One of the main things me and Sniper got along on, is hating rich people cause they think they can do all they want cause they have money. Rossi is an exception to that, cause he isn't like that and is one of my father figures."
"The Hazelnut corporation?"
"Yep. Been running since the 1870s."
"I remember seeing it in your file."
"Yeah. No one outside of my family aside from the boy band and Zack know about it... Well now you know as well."
"Don't worry. I'll keep your secret." He told making me let out a sigh of relief. "I do have to ask."
"More then Rossi?" He asked with a smirk.
"Very." I told matching his.
He handed the invite back and I placed it back into my bag before leaving his office with him to see my grandfather telling the team a story from my childhood.
"And then, she put Shrimp in a chokehold with her legs while she also had her other older cousin De in a choke hold with her arms. They tapped out so quick that we had to give her a reward and told her to be careful. Only for her to go, 'It's not my fault they are weaker then a seven year old.' Causing the whole family to laugh." He told as they all laughed.
"So is your whole family like that?" Hotch quietly asked next to me.
"Our family gets split into two categories. Your either with the government or against it. There has never really been an in between person before. My Gramps is for since he was in the Military Intelligence. The 82nd Regiment, 270 MP Battalion. Kinda a common trait with Gramps side of the family, trying to fix the wrong our ancestor did way back when."
"IQ!" My grandfather exclaimed making me look towards him.
"I really like this Penelope girl. She offered to come over and make food with us."
"You gonna make one of your famous toastys?" I asked
"You are always the smart one." He told making me smile.
"Why don't you make one for the whole team later once they are done here?"
"Excellent idea."
I walked towards him and he offered his arm for me, which I instantly took and we left.
"See you guys at mine place for dinner! Unless you have a case." I told.
'This is not fun.'

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