Quite night.

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(River p.o.v)

After Spencer left with his co-workers my smile fell as I quickly got everything ready to close up again before making my way back to Spencer's place. Once I got to my floor I saw another note taped to my door making me let out a heavy sigh. I decided to take it off and quickly placed it in my place before making my way back to Spencer's place. I quickly got out of the clothes I was wearing and went back to my pjs when I decided I'm going to steal his sweater as well.
"Take that doctor." I told to myself before relaxing back on the couch with the blanket I enjoyed so much.
I put evil dead back on and decided that Bruce Campbell can cheer me up and if not I was doomed.
'I can't be falling back into being depressed am I? I mean it makes sense my life has been shit again cause of Mike but I have Spencer helping me and he really cares about me. Oooo hello Bruce Campbell.'
I fell asleep halfway through the movie and remembered back to when Spencer had first invited me to watch a movie at his.

"River where are you?!" He called from the front when I was making coffee.
"In the back!"
I heard footsteps continued to get louder and louder before turning around to see Spencer looking nervous.
"Your nervous why?"
"You know I'm nervous."
"Well yeah. It's called profiling dude."
"Right you do that. I was just....why did you put a cup near me?"
"So you can have some coffee dude. Dude you look like you've just seen some terrible shit that's made you go Imma do something dangerous tonight!" I told as I made my new cup of coffee.
"Well I did."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"I don't want to scare you."
"Dude I am not a little girl. Come on. I'm a big girl." I told making him laugh. "But I'm serious dude nothing you tell me will scare me....well unless you said you were a cannibal. Can't stand them."
"Well I'm not so your in the clear. Just I was nearly shot today and...." I cut him off by dropping the spoon and looking up at him.
"You were nearly shot?"
"Well yes. I am an FBI agent any job in the force has you knowing you will be shot since any case can have a high chance of being shot at and... are you ok River?"
"No I'm not, you were nearly shot Spencer." I told before I slid down my cabinets to try and make sure Spencer didn't see when I broke down into tears at the thought of nearly losing him.
I heard his footsteps walk towards me as he came and sat next to me.
"You know I think this is the first time I've seen you cry. I don't like it."
"Oh then I shall stop my emotions for the FBI agent who is also a doctor."
"Would be nice to not see you cry. But I'm fine I wasn't hit. It missed me completely."
"I know but the thought of losing you just scares me. One of my only other friends works in the force and I know if she dies on the field then I only have you and if you die then I'll be alone and no one will understand me completely like you do Spence."
He pulled me into a hug and gave a kind smile.
"Well how about I tell you what I came to tell you. Would that make you feel better?"
"Maybe. You getting me a puppy?"
"No. I wanted to invite you over to mine so we can watch a movie. I heard that Army of Darkness will be on tonight and I remember hearing you say you love horror movies."
"You had me at Bruce Campbell, Spencer."
"I didn't say Bruce Campbell."
"Yeah but you said the franchise that started his career and my god damn crush on the man."
"I did not know that about you."
"Yeah well you became my friend so now I'm going to have you learn all about my love for the man."
"I think we can arrange that."
"I'm still upset at you for knocking my books over."
"I said I was sorry!"

(Spencer p.o.v)
After a long day of work and still no way of working out who the unsub is other then female I walked into my apartment to see no one.
'Probably asleep on my bed.'
I dropped my things in their usual spots before making my way to the kitchen and put the dinosaur nuggets on to give River something I know will cheer her up before heading to my bedroom to see she wasn't there.
'Spencer don't panic. There is a very good chance she is in the spare room or at her place. It's evidence that she came back since the clothes she was wearing were neatly placed in the laundry basket. But if she isn't at either places then I'll have to tell the team and then they will learn about her and I'll try to hide the fact she has helped me on some cases which will get me in big trouble.'
I steady my breathing and went to the spare room to see she wasn't in there either. I rushed out and was going to run down to hers when I noticed she was curled up on the couch under the blanket and in the same sweater she was wearing earlier. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I could help but smile about the fact she was safe. I made my way over and slowly began to shake her awake. She began to stir and half opened her eyes at me and I could tell she was having trouble staying up.
"Hey River. I'm home from work. Have you been asleep the whole time?" I asked feeling like that what I was seeing was an obvious answer.
"Well the dinosaur nuggets are on. So they should be ready soon. Wanna move over so I can watch something with you?"
"You and what army?"
I stood up and picked her up enough so I can slide into the spot she just had her head before slowly lying her back down so she had her head in my lap.
"I see the army you have now. But I will win none the less."
"I'm sure you would win. But I need to ask you some questions River."
"Do we have to?"
"Yes. Why didn't you tell me he was stalking you?"
"I didn't want you to worry about me when you weren't in town. Besides a lot of people have been stalked before."
"Yes but he threw a brick through your window and said mean things to you. He called you a cheater."
"Very hypocritical of him don't you think."
"River I know when we met you were getting out of the relationship slowly but I just don't know why you didn't tell me he was doing stuff like this." I told which made her sit up and turn around so we were still facing one another.
"Because I know you worry about being friends with me cause of your work and I know your work you can't always save people. I didn't want what was happening to me be another reason that you woke up sad about." She told before looking at me which made me realise she was avoiding my eyes the entire time.
"River I care for you since we became friends. The fact you didn't tell me hurts me more then anything."
"Look I'm sorry. But I thought I could handle it and then when the brick flew through my window again I freaked out. He isn't meant to be anywhere near me yet he is unless it's some other psychopath that's decided I'm theirs." She told and I could tell she was going to cause a panic attack of some sorts so I picked her up and placed her in my lap to help her know she was safe with me.
"Please tell me about this stuff from now on."
"I pinky promise." She told as she held her pinky out for me to interlock mine with hers.
I did and gave her a kind smile to show her I wasn't pretending.
"You know what will help?"
"I know what your going to say but I'm going to let you say something anyway since I have high hopes that you aren't going to say it."
"A puppy."
"No I'm not getting you a puppy."
"Not even if I gave you my Bambi eyes?"
"Don't start or you are getting no dinosaur nuggets."
"Well that's just plan rude." She told making us laugh.
My phone began to ring and I answered it as I put my finger to my lips to signal for River to stay quite.

"Hello Dr.Spencer Reid."
"Reid, they found another body but also a girl covered in blood. You need to come down here now!"
"I'll be there right now send me the location."

Hotch hung up the phone and the oven went off signalling that they were done.
"Look just go and I'll save you half. You need to go Spencer."
"Thank you River." I told before rushing off the couch and grabbed my things.
"Please be safe Dr.Reid."
"I'll try. I'll see you in a bit Dr.Finley." I told before leaving.

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