Thank good Im back to normal.

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I walked into the bullpen and was thankful that the holiday rush was over and things could go back to normal. I didn't get two full steps in when I was tackled into a hug.
"Penelope I saw you just the other day. You also spent most of Christmas with me and my family."
"I know. I just like hugging you." She told before pulling back. "Also Jj said you would need something happy before seeing who was at your desk."
"My desk?" I asked before looking to see Dave and Grace there.
"Hello miss.Finley." Grace told
"No! This is not ok you two! You wanna talk to me, do it at the shop." I told as I pointed between the two.
"We did go to the shop first Miss.Finley." Dave stated
"And then miss. Copper told us you were coming here today." Grace added.
"Out!" I told as I pointed towards the elevators. "We are not talking here."
"As you wish Miss.Finley." They told before leading the way.
"Can we ask Baby?"
"Simple explanation. They help handle my finances." I told before going after them.

(Spencer p.o.v)

I walked out of the elevator to see two people I didn't recognise.
"Look an elevator is now open. Get in and don't speak to anyone." River told as she began to push them in.
"It's like she hasn't grown from when she was in college with those four boys." The male told
"Yes the four where three of them are child rockstars and the other one works with dead things." The female told
"You said you were proud of them." Rivet stated
"I am. Just peculiar boys that you know. Also you and your older cousin need to fix things."
"Never." She told as she finally got them in. "Hey. I would talk more but I need to get them to leave."
"All good." I told before the door shut.
I walked into the bullpen and saw the others.
"Should I ask or do you also not know?" I asked mostly to Jj.
"That was Grace and Dave. They handle her finances, which is actually more then she said last time I saw Grace." She told
"They weren't what I was expecting." Penelope told
"Was it just me or do they seem like they would work well as a couple." Morgan wondered.
"I ship." Penelope told making us smile.
"She didn't seem happy that they were here." I added as I sat at my desk.
"She said this in the past. She doesn't like them interacting with her normal life as she puts it."
"She didn't seem normal from the tapes we went over during Christmas.... except the one where she was playing with who I assumed was Sniper in the snow." Penelope told
"You saw the tapes?" Jj asked
"What do you know?" Rossi asked
"She usually doesn't show anyone those. Something about one that only has the word 'Stay' written on it, makes her upset along with many of the other ones she has. So she chooses not to watch them."
"What about the one where it's her university friends saying why they think she's the best?" I asked
"You've seen the tape?! Come on!"
"I was curious what it was and she said I could pick while she was rearranging her snow globes."
"Snow globes?" Morgan asked
"Oh I saw them. A lot of pictures of people who were young in them and her boy band." Penelope told
"Family tradition her and one of her cousins have. She won't say who and I've been trying ever since I found out." Jj told
Soon River came back in and had a lot of papers that she didn't before.
"I swear, they could have waited." She told herself before looking up to us.
"Uh Baby girl."
"Where'd you get the glasses?" He asked
"From my pocket."
"You wear glasses kitten?"
"Oh right. None of you have seen me wear them but J."
"Since when?" Rossi asked
"Since I was 6. I don't wear them often, unless it's really needed. And my contacts went dry and were messing with my vision so Grace got my glasses, Dave got the container for my contacts and I got them out before Grace put my glasses on. It's a system."
"So what's the papers?" Prentiss asked
"All that is finance?" Rossi asked
"Yep. A lot of finance and tax."
"Are you hiding something?" I asked
"No. Just..... finance and tax. Tax and finance." She told
"Finley. Why you are here we need to do our meeting." Hotch told before heading to his office.
"Ok! Not gonna let you to convince me to talk to Sniper." She told
"I make no promises. Maybe we can work on your finances and tax's." He stated making her give a nervous laugh,
"We will see."
'Glad we can get back to our normal lives.'

~30 minutes earlier~

(River p.o.v)

Once we were in the lobby of the building I led them to my car and sat in the back of my 1960 panel van as they jumped into the seat across from me.
"You and your vintage cars." Grace stated.
"Why did you come here? I made strict instructions to not come here and you're here."
"Miss.Finley, we already explained this to you." Dave told
"Yeah. And no call I'll add. That's not like you guys. You always call."
"This is important Miss.Finley. One that we could not call for." Grace told
"What? What did my cousins do now?"
"Other then the usual of burning bones and what not, and working as a fed and what ever the one you call Motor does, this isn't about them." Grace stated
"We've been getting notes for awhile now." She told
"What notes?"
"Ones that say stuff like the Boggy man is close to catching the mouse." Dave told
"For how long?"
"Nearly a year now." Grace added.
"We tried to have someone look into it, see if they track them. But we haven't been able to." Dave continued.
"And we know the family shabang. We are beginning to think he might be involved." She stated.
"He's.... that's impossible."
"It's a possibility." He told
"One that isn't possible. He's gone. My father and uncle made sure of that before my father died."
"Miss.Finley...." they both began.
"He's out of the picture. Discussion over. Got it."
"Yes boss." They both told
"Now I know that wasn't the only thing you two came down for, and risk my team finding out about this."
"How do you explain us Miss.Finley?" Dave asked
"Very good question." Grace added.
"You guys handle my finances."
"We do, help handle her finances." Dave stated
"And we do help handle her tax's." Grace added
"That we do. Tax's and..."
"And tax's."
"You two are so strange." I told
"We work for you." The both said as one.
"What's the other thing?" I asked
"Oh right. Well, new year means more paperwork you need to sign and read." Grace told as she collected them out of her bag.
"You serious?" I asked
"Afraid so Miss. Finley. Also there's a new list you would like the options for." Dave added as she handed the papers for me.
"I am not gonna be able to get through all this in a day."
"That's alright Miss.Finley. Important things take time, and you can take the time on this." She told
"Your using your mother voice on me. Stop it."
"Girl I will whoop your ass."
"And I'll whoop your ass back."
"I'm from Detroit. I'll beat your ass."
"And you know where I'm from and who I've been up against. You know I'm not terrified of what you can do, because you know my family. That's why I'm the boss, and you two work for me. I know you help raised me, but that doesn't mean I won't fight you if you try and fight me, that's an order."
"Yes boss." She told
"I'm sorry it took a turn like that. I'm just not in a good mood."
"Miss.Finley, if he is back...."
"Dave he can't be back. They stopped him."
"We just want to make sure you don't fall back." Grace told
"I know."
"If you have a stalker again Miss.Finley then we need to put you somewhere safe."
"Dave is right. Your life is important and we can't have a repeat of what happened."
"I never tried to kill myself. And if I run, then I'm just doing what rich people do, when situations get tough them. They think they can do what ever they want because they have money."
"It's not happening. Discussion over, that's an order you two must follow."
"Yes boss." They told
"Good. Now I must get back to my team and make up some excuse."
"Why not tell them Miss.Finley?" Dave asked
"You told those four in university."
"I told them cause they found out, by forgetting their jackets. God those three are dumb."
"What about Mr.Addy?" They both asked
"He doesn't count. He didn't forget one, and is one of the smart ones out of the group." I told before my eyes began to hurt. "Ow! Ow! Ow!"
"Miss.Finley what's wrong?" Grace asked
"What can we do to help?" Dave asked
"My contacts. Must be one of those days where I can't wear them, haven't had one of those days in so long."I told as I held my eyes shut and placed pressure onto them.
I heard them moving about and I knew they were getting things ready to help me out. I soon felt a tap on my wrist making me pull my hands back and held my eyes open so Dave could put in the eye drops. I blinked a few times before nodding my head allowing Dave to pull up a mirror so I could look in and get my contacts out before putting them in the container. Once that was done Grace placed my glasses on and fixed them.
"How do I look?" I asked
"Like a beautiful young lady." They told making me give a small smile.
"Shut up. Hate when you guys act like my parents."
"We did help raise you." They told.
"Well I must go to work. So, out of my car."
"Yes boss." They told before we all left.
"Give one of us a call when you've finished signing the paper and we will come and collect."
"Roger that sailor." I told before she gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"Call us if more letters arrive."
"We may have had Sniper update on the whole situation." Dave added.
"Imma kill him."
"Go to work Miss.Finley." Grace told
"I am." I told before I began to walk back to the bullpen.
'God there is so much paperwork.'

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