Hearing her again.

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(Spencer p.o.v)

We were sitting around the conference room trying to figure out where he could have taken her when the phone on the table began to ring. Richard was quick to answer it since it could be a lead we need.
"This is Chief Lenard."
"A hoy hoy Uncle Dic. How ya been?"
"Nicholas....surprised your calling."
'He sounds way different then I had always imagined.'
"Eh I decided to check in. See how my sisters friends and boyfriend are going about. You all freaking out? Panicking? Getting angry at my lovely girlfriend well ex-girlfriend now..... well it's complicated a bit right now, for tricking you lot? Or how about guilt ridden?"
"We just want to know if River is safe."
"Ah mister Aaron Hotchner. I figured you would be the one to ask me the questions seeing as everyone else is too mad to stay clear headed with me long enough to get the answers you need. Hell, your going to get me to stay on the phone long enough to have the lovely Penelope Garcia try to track me but that won't work. You lot think I would be stupid enough to call without making sure you couldn't track me. Who do you think I am?"
"We know exactly who you are Nicholas. We just want to make sure River is safe."
"She is perfectly fine. I love her with all my heart I would never dare hurt her. Unless it was an accident of course."
"Then prove it. Let her speak on the phone to us."
"Oh alright. I'll let the two love birds say some nice words to each other."
There was silence on the other end till we heard River.
"Hey guys how's it hanging?"
"Are you ok River?"
"As fine as I can be. Feels like the 5 hour standoff I was in again. Is Spencer ok? I know he will be blaming himself the most and it's not his fault I was taken."
"You can ask him yourself." He told before he motioned for me to sit in front of the phone.
"Hey Dr.Finley."
"Hey Dr.Reid. How are you holding up?"
"Don't blame yourself for this Spence. They've been planning this for over a year."
"I know but I should have listened to you...."
"You thought I was just being jealous and that's fine. I don't blame you for this at all."
"Is he feeding you and giving you water? Treating you well?"
"He is treating me just fine Spence. But I want to focus on you for a little bit."
"No River we can't do that."
"Please Spence."
"I'm sorry I just miss you and want you back with us safe."
"I know. I want to be back with you guys as well. He apologised for killing Jade. Didn't realise we were arguing about her accepting the pay raise."
"That's good that he apologised for it. I miss you so much."
"I miss you as well Spence. You know I feel at home here it's weird, I know. Being kidnapped and taken to an unknown location shouldn't feel like home to me, but it does. Especially one that reminds me of where my old man died"
"Is there anything you can tell us about your surroundings?"
"Sadly no. Tell me a fact."
"What about?"
"Can be your pick."
"Did you know there was a Syrian brown bear called Wojtek or Voytek who help fought in world war 2."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah. His favourite drink was beer which he was often rewarded with and loved eating lit cigarettes, he was so smart he knew if they were lit or not. He worked out how to turn on the showers so they had to lock it but he found a spy one day since the door was left unlocked. He also became a private so he could travel with the group when they were drafted in Italy. He was a very good bear."
"He seems like it. Hey Spence....."
"I love you so so much."
"I love you so so much as well River."
There was silence on the other side again till we heard Nick again.
"Alright that's enough between you to. Man you two are just the sweetest. No wonder she got upset when I said you were terrible at protecting her."
"Please just let her go."
"No can do Spencey. I'm making up for all the lost years."
"What can we do to have her released?"
"I need some information on our dear old dad."
"I've told you he is dead!"
'Oh god River...I just need her back safe with me.'
"You know that joke is getting real old sis. I would hate to add another little scar to your body."
"Your sister is right Nicholas. Your father is dead." Hotch told
"See you people lie to me but my head is as clear as it ever has been in so long. Just tell me where my father is and I'll give you guys a little clue. How about that."
"The only location we can give you is where he is buried."
"Tsk tsk tsk. Well looks like our time is up folks. Until you guys can give me a location on where our father is then sayonara folks!"
The line went dead and I finally broke down in tears from the whole thing. Morgan came over and pulled me into a hug as I continued to cry.
"It's ok Spencer. We will find her and before you know it she will be back in our arms safe and sound."
"Garcia have you worked anything out?"
"It was enough time but I couldn't get a location. He knows everything about us yet we don't know anything about where he could take her."
"She hardly talked about her family to me. Only brief things in passing like her mother being murdered."
"That's cause we all signed a contract to not tell anyone anything. Tell the public it was a someone else and hide the fact about who actually killed her."
"Why would you ever do that?"
"So no one would be scared River might follow the same path. We didn't want her to be judged or have people look at her like she might murder people as well."
"Was her cousins told about what happened?" Rossi asked
"Of course. Granted Seal only learnt about everything once he came home from Iraq. Ever since he found out he was more protective of her."
"Seal is Sniper." Penelope told
"Her cousin went to Iraq?" Morgan asked
"Yeah. That whole side of the family do things to make up for one action their ancestor did. Ripper was following the same path till she decided not to but now she did. Her father would be proud if he lived to see it all."
'We'll get you back River... we got to.'

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