chapter 5

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My eyes snap open slowly, regaining my consciousness. The brightness of the light attacks my sensitive, newly woken up gapes and my head feels unbearably heavy. It takes me trifling seconds, for the ache in my right leg to strike me harder than a rock.

I look around searchingly. this is definitely not my room.

I squeeze my eyes back shut and try to recall what happened last before I blacked out.

Let's see, the big bad wolf who was harming the poor pregnant lady. So, I thought that was the perfect timing for me to show how much of a heroine I'm.

"So, what happened? Did I win the fight?" I shout in a befuddled tone, waving my hands carelessly, up and down.

"yea you did, but hardly, you were going to lose your leg," the voice that I almost recognize way too much, rings as the breathtaking stranger strides into the room, followed by jay and Stephan.

"where am I?" I ask keeping my eyes on him. Finding out where I had been placed while I was out of it, is the first thing that comes to my mind. And after that, probably comes a million other questions that need urgent answers.

Everything is serious and all but God, that face of his be doing hella things to me.

"in my packhouse sweety," he replies, his eyes narrow as they explore me whole.

"ooohhh is this what you call this place?" I say, still clinging to the last ounce of calmness. I run my eyes to his side, spotting Jay and Stephan.

Jay and Stephan. The two guys that magically pulled real freaking fur on their human skins and stood on their four limbs as if it was the most normal thing to do.

Indeed, a book should never be judged by its cover.

"who the fuck are you people?" I snap out of my abnormal calm. Pointing my accusations toward Jay and Stephan.

Are these even their real names?

"Luna just calm down, we can explain," jay says, trying to get closer.

"who the fuck are you calling Luna? my name is Sesil, and you better stay the fuck away from me" I jeopardize, grabbing a couple of randomly thrown scissors and pointing them at them. three of them, they are all a threat.

Adrian glares at Jay, ordering him to step back "let me handle this" he commands.

"sweety put the scissor down, you can't hurt us using that anyway," he implores, smirking scantly.

"you never know until you try," I say, nudging a challenging eyebrow and waving the scissors aimlessly.

He catches my arm effortlessly, and snaps the scissors out of my hand, throwing them far away from my reach.

"We don't want you to hurt yourself, sweetheart" he says softly, allowing himself to crouch beside me in bed.

"you are what is hurting me" I blur out without thinking, as I back off, shielding myself against his proximity that feels nerve-wrecking in both ways. the good and the bad one.

Bitterness tours his face. appearing to be annoyed by my statement, he sighs and tells me wordlessly to shut the fuck up and let him do the talking.

"I suppose you need to know what is happening"

I nod.

"okay sweetheart, I need you to calm down and concentrate, okay? can you do that?" he almost begs. His gigantic hand lands on mine.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now