Chapter 43

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"the bloody what?" I bawl out, unable to hold my frustration, fairly resulting that there is yet so much that I don't know about. Every time they speak, their language seems the remotest from the one I'm speaking.

My frustration does not settle at me when Vivian gives me an unbelievable look and escorts an unhappy, sharp breath. Her eyes fly next to the not-so-well blonde standing beside me.

"are you kidding me?" her anger embodies her cried out words and her usual roll of eyes takes place again for what feels like the hundredth time this day.

"she practically knows nothing" Vivian adds, still shooting the sick girl a mad glare.

"cut us some slack, alpha Vivian. She hadn't missed on much action since the day she came to the pack so educating her was put on hold while trying to keep her alive" Belle speaks in a mocking, shaky breath. The pain that she seems to feel excused whatever manner she spoke to the woman who preceded her hierarchically.

Mara and myself stare dumbfounded. At this point, I'm pretty sure a believer that that's all we do as soon as they start talking their language.

Vivian side-eyes me for a perfunctory moment, hidden ideas traveling her mind as she finally decides on what I can anticipate as another sardonic comment that she needs to let out of her system.

"well I'm curious to where he'll put her when the reel action begins" she finally lets her ambiguous words on the loose. Puzzling me and my human companion even more.

"what do you mean?" I ask instinctively, putting my guards back on. That bad feeling that I often get every time my mind prepares me to hear what I don't want to hear is slipping through me again.

I can feel Belle as she moves away from me, grabbing herself a close chair and throwing her drained parts on it.

"alpha Vivian" she growls softly as soon as she docks on the chair. A warning is lurking somewhere between her random call.

"Common, she needs to know. As a matter of fact, I'm confused why he didn't tell her. The bloody moon is an important event, it must be marked red on his agenda" she, as usual, ignores Belle's alarm. Which serves my favor and my curiosity of knowing what I'm, as a matter of fact, rightful of knowing.

Despite her indifferent reaction to Belle's silent but also loudly heard protest, she stills her mouth shut, waiting for some kind of approval from a sitting Belle. Belle holds her body stiffly on the chair. She appears to be running deep calculations. Are they permitted to tell me what I deserve to hear or will they pick my mate's solid beliefs of leaving me at utmost dark?

She finally relaxes her steady shoulders and drops her head slightly, shooting a surrendering sigh. Vivian takes her body language as a solid approval and begins to explain.

"it is the mating season" she utters, running a full check-up on my body, also running other kinds of calculations.

"a specific period that happens two times a year" she begins explaining, shining lights on mostly insignificant details until she ultimately reaches the parts that hold real meanings.

"the bloody moon is believed to trigger she-wolves' heats and also werewolves' ruts. It is a time where we only belong to the beastly side within us. So, rather than going hunting anything and everything in sight, we pilot our lust toward our sexual desires"

"we kind of-" she hesitates, choosing the right term "fuck all night long until it wears us out" and she badly fails at it.

So the bloody moon is a big orgy fiesta, some kind of a global ritual of giving in to their wildest desires. Noted.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now