chapter 69 & the last

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My mom glances at both of us for a brief second before darting her eyes to the area of my navel. The place where Adrien is resting his hand – on his kid. That is for one. And for two, the same place in which I'm rooting my fingers around his arm, trying to loosen his grasp around me. And one of those damn fingers is inconveniently the one on which I'm wearing my damn engagement ring.

Adrien gradually unfastens his tie around me, rubbing his nose in frustration and preparing the words he was meant to utter in different conditions.

"Ma'am-" he begins to speak but instantly trails off as soon as she slams the door in our faces.

"Well, shit" he curses, ruffling his hair angrily. Hands on his hips, he glares at his chance to explain things as he planned slipping away from him.

"Mom" I bang on the door "let me explain, mom" I practically scream, sabotaging the peacefulness that the compound was enjoying and that I certainly do not give a flying fuck about right now. One of the security guards bursts out from the elevator, alarmed by the commotion we're making. He advances two steps before he spots Adrien and halts at once. My mate motions with his hand and dismisses him. I'm too gone into panic mode to care about any of what is happening around me.

"Mom" I call again, this time more desperately.

"Sesil, love..." Adrien unclasps his hands from his hips and steps closer to me. He locks them on my upper arms and urges me to relax as he runs them up and down the length of my arms.

I devastatingly look at him, fighting the tears forming in my eyes.

Two seconds later, the door snarls open again and my mom stands at the entrance, glaring at both of us.

"Is what I heard true?" my mother implores, daggering at both of us. For her, we're both equally accused of this.

I nod.

"Come in" she commands, stepping out of the door's entrance.

As soon as I step into the house, the warm aroma of the apple pie that only my mom can make slams into my dog-nostrils and triggers my barely restrained cravings.

"Sit" my mom commands before retreating to the kitchen. Probably going to get a knife to slice and dice her future son-in-law...Well, luckily being the werewolf he is, he'll most likely survive that.

We sit as we are told, as stiff as stone statues. I let my weight sink into the leathered surface of the brown sofa. My back meets way too many throw pillows sprawled against the back pillows at the end of the sofa's sides. It is only fair to say that those damn pillows are way too comfortable and tempting to resist.

As a matter of fact, the whole place is amazing. The living room is spacious enough to take in a horse race. The walls are painted white and the floors are in a neat wooden shade. And with the shimmers of sunlight seeping through the big glassy walls that overlook the city, amazing is not doing it justice.

Based on the field trip that Adrien had sent me here with Stephan the last time, I've had the chance to take a tour around the place before knocking on the doped werewolf's door and dragging him with me back to the pack. The apartment contains two big bedrooms fused with their own bathrooms; one is bigger than the other is. A very nice kitchen that would definitely come in handy since my mom – unlike me – is hell-bent on showing what her hands are capable of making. There is also a sun deck, an in-house pool, and a terrace.

My mom had originally refused Adrien's kindness when he first offered. But luckily being the good negotiator he is, he has managed to squeeze in the whole thing under the name of a fringe benefit she gets for her promotion and as an apology for what happened during the rogues' attack.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now