chapter 36

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The woman hugging my mate has the same height as her, her skin is terribly pale that it feels easily permeable. Blonde hair is spilling on her shoulders and her green eyes are wading in grief and concern.

Separating a mother from her daughter was never my intention but it is unavoidable, Sesil can't stay outside of the pack. Not after knowing that my brother is targeting her and publicly at that. the fact that he is carelessly putting a mark on her and even letting random rogues know what she looks like means that he has no intention of hiding his lust for her.

She is mine and she will be for the rest of her life.

What's more shocking is that one of the pictures had been taken inside of my land. Which means that even my pack is not safe for her anymore. I'll dive six feet under before I let him land a finger on her. She is unrelated to my past life and she should stay that way. She is not a winning pawn for his flammable revenge.

The blonde woman steers her head, her eyes hung up to get a better vision of her daughter's companion. She grimaces warily, the kind of reaction I am used to receiving whenever I come across a human. Sesil was the only distinct person in this regard and that's what sets her away from the rest. What sets her free from the norms we have claimed that every human fits into.

I step forward, breaking the barrier of her solid hesitancy. She trudges back, displaying sesil behind her. Her heedful behavior is reasonable against someone whose aura feels ferocious, or at least that's what I am trying to convince myself, steadying my thoughts and reminding my brain that she is not the enemy plotting to separate me from my everything.

"mom" Sesil rushes, trying to clear the misunderstanding that is on the horizon of happening but I give her a feeble nod. I should be the one taking care of this since I'm the one to blame.

"My name is Adrien black" I greet and she steps back once more. She stares back at me, understandably shocked. She might not recognize the one leading the group of restaurants and hotels she's working for, since I don't visit the workplace often - my pack is enough trouble - but she surely knows the name of the one she is working under.

The thing that I'm not sure of is whether this information will put it up for me with her or do the exact opposite.

After all, seeing your daughter with your boss knocking on your door is not a thing you get to see every day, it is more on the side of being confusing if not concerning.

"you're-" she utters in a loss of words as I nod slowly. A voiceless conversation rolls between us in those few moments. The mother glimpse at her daughter trying to get some kind of explanation, but she finds nothing but eyes shot down, climbing for a moment before sticking to the soil again. Sesil feels cornered. Her whole vocabulary crumbled and I am sure that the words she maintained by heart before coming here fell crashing on the ground as soon as she saw her mother.

Her mother scolds her silently, avoiding to let me in as a guy who did not belong to their two-persons family. My hand stretches, completing my introduction. She hesitates for a moment before she accepts my spanned hand in her little one. Humans are really small, fragile, and delicate. And fearfully enough, my mate is one of them too.

She clears her throat, looking around us, only to discover that we're still at the entrance of the door. She soon vacates the path ahead of us awkwardly, inviting me in.

not exactly a warm welcome but we're getting somewhere.

Who knew that bracing the virtue of patience would be this hard?

I lead my way behind both of the small beings. The apartment is nothing extravagant but it is unbearably cozy.
for someone who spent their life in a big mansion where cruel eyes watched over me like some kind of insect, a home like this one, only shows me how much warmth I have missed in my life.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now