chapter 17

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My heart has never drummed louder. Wishing for my trots to pick up their pace and hopefully fly, I get out of my office like a mad man. One word Jay said through the mind link, made my heart no longer potent to ease up. Laurine is my destination and Sesil would have no need to reach her house, unless she is hurt.

Every cynical thought there is to be found hadn't spared my mind as I run toward my destination. Storming through the door, my hands clasp the frame door while I let my eyes snag her little body lying on the bed. I don't need to be told where she is, her scent will always draw me right back to her wherever she is. Although her scent is not the only one that I can pick up with my sensitive nostrils. Another unpleasant scent is refusing to leave her.

On her left, Laurine is busy probing her napping carcass, her right is not vacant as well, as my second in command beta is sitting with her on the bed, clasping on her weary hand. The last person in the room, Jay, is standing across from the three of them, concerne and shame are garmenting every twist in his face.

My hands move against my will, tangling Jay by the collar of his clothing. His body moves synchronically with my attack. Defenselessly, he allows himself to be pinned against the wall. I just know that I need to throw the blame on someone, no matter who. If not, how am I supposed to survive it all hurled on me?

"I left her in your care" I accuse; internal whimpers are escalating in my voice.

"I'm sorry, I got delayed for brief moments by some of his men, they outnumbered me and restrained me from moving" he apologizes, tilting his eyes downward, disgracefully.

I unleash him and turn my head to fix my gaze on her. After all, I'm the one to blame. How will she survive my chaotic life when I'm barely surviving it myself?

"Calm down alpha, she's fine, he didn't do anything to her" Laurine says, softly. She soars from her place, placing a light pat on my shoulder.

"Then why do I smell his filthy scent on her?" I grant my words to be rushed out as yells. His scent is coming out of the surface of her skin and roaming the room freely. I can't stand it. I can't stand the fact that he had her in the palm of his hand. I can't stand the fact that he got closer to her, to someone I care about.

"I don't know, maybe he touched her, you're more sensitive to scents than all of us, but she's not hurt" she stops, averting her peer once again to Sesil's body and pulling a skeptical, unconvinced look before unlocking her mouth to resume "at least not physically"

"This doesn't make sense, why is he doing this?" Belle asks, staring sadly at my little napping mate and removing some hair strands that seemed to irritate her face.

"With the numbers he has now, he can attack the pack with a strong possibility of succeeding in claiming it. Why is he playing around with her? Moreover, if he wanted to hurt her, he would've easily. But he didn't. And if he hates you this much alpha, why isn't he attacking you?"

Belle's questions are basic and logical. Why is he playing around with me? Going for those, I care about the most rather than coming at me directly. Greyson is strong enough to beat me fair and square in a one on one fight. He might not be an ODOL like me, but he has alpha bloodline running down his veins. As bitter as it tastes to admit, that man we used to call father has but ordinary skills that any wolf has. He was talented in that regard and that is a fact. Greyson has always abhorred me and I've always believed that despise is an emotion that can create a great imbalance in power between two combatant werewolves.

"Death is a luxury he will not let me have" I whisper, loudly.

"Jay" I call out. Jay picks his body stiffly and proves to be ready to receive my commands..

"Call Chris. see if you can get me a meeting with him as soon as possible. I've let them off too much because they weren't posing a real danger" I interlude, for a few moments, inhaling deeply "but now that's he's targeting my mate, it's personal" I state, before quitting the house.

I head toward the training facility, in urgent craving of punching some bags. At this rate I'm going at, I might lose it and I prefer to lose it while I'm on my own.


My eyes lose themselves to the sight of a white roofing. The strong lighting forces me to close them back shut for a few seconds before reopening them again to discover where I am. The room seems terribly familiar as I remember that I've been here when Belle has beaten me to a pulp and we had to come here to fix me up. It is definitely Laurine's house.

I keep laying on the bed, fighting the bitterness spreading through my mouth, and in a dire need of something to wet my dry tongue with. Not long until the house lady herself immigrates to the room, wearing the same usual and warm smile.

She offers me a cup of a hot liquid that I don't recognize at first, but realize it is chamomile after taking a look at its color and inhaling its unique odor.

"Drink that, it will help you relax" she orders, softly, touching my forehead, to check if I still have a fever. Her caring attitude pops my mom's image in my head out of nowhere. I drop my head, sorrowful. I miss her so much.

"What happened, Luna? Can you tell me? Did he hurt you?" she asks, stroking my hair and tying it up for me. With the way she talks about him, I can't help but wonder, does she know him? 

NO, the real question here is do I know him?

All I know about him is his name. Weirdly enough, it feels that his name is plenty enough to say it all. How can I possibly get the feeling that a stranger is terribly familiar?

"Who is he? Laurine. The guy whom I met" I ask, dubiously. Tightening my palms around the cup, I let them absorb its heat. At this moment, comprehending that I'm directly merged into this mess, I have the right to know, and I will.

"That's Adrien's half-brother, Greyson, that's all that I'm allowed to tell you, and that is all that you'll need to know besides avoiding him as much as possible"

With an arched brow, I sigh on the impossibility of this task "Well, you will find that easier said than done since the dude is apparently stalking me"

"What did he do to you? Did he scare you?" she asks me, eagerly. Curiosity, a hint of concern, and even a dash of fear are equipping her ridged ingredients.

I keep quiet for instants, fixing my eyes on my blurred image that the chamomile water bounces back.

"No... It wasn't as simple as fear, it was much complicated" I close my eyes, imagining his hand on my neck and trying to re-experience the whole thing.

"it felt as if my body wasn't accepting me, as if it was trying to cast me outside" I explain, poorly bordered by what I measly can. Since I myself do not fully understand what happened. Her suspicious looks land on me, aimlessly. As if, she is searching the back of her brain for a proper explanation.

"Do you know anything? Laurine" Glimpses of knowledge in her eye shine on her face and I hurry, grabbing her hand.

"No" she denies at once "nothing useful dear. I just hope that destiny is not playing some kind of dirty tricky game with the three of you" with a firm shake of her head, she whispers but I manage to hear her.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now