chapter 25

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"you've got some balls, stepping your filthy paws in my territory Adam," Adrien says, his naked bloodstained chest soaring and downing at a wild pace. My eyes are wandering between his furious substantial body and the terribly killed corps thrown in front of us. Its hideous sight makes me want to puke.

The leader - seemingly named Adam according to what I've just heard - swallows hard. Despite the tiny size of the view frame that Jaden is allowing me to have by holding me like a sack of potato, I can see the river of sweat streaming down his frightened front. "just your style alpha" he says, with a noticeably shaky voice, holding on to his usual snicker.

He is scared and scared is what he should be. I've never taken people's souls lightly but some of them should've not existed from the very beginning. After what this scumbag did to Belle, if Adrien didn't give him shit that he deserves then I'm more than happy to do it in his stead.

"if you knew my style your legs would've not brought you here, and you certainly would have not dared hold both of my mate and my beta in your fucking hands" Adrien smirks widely, his eyes beaming in a lustrous hue. The effect that he holds on the whole crowd is unbelievably strong. He hasn't done anything yet. Still, their faces are unable to hide the fact that their brains are struggling to set them for a long run, to a place where the lethal menace called Adrien wouldn't be.

"We just want our mates, alpha, nothing but our rights" Adam raises his hands, his eyes outlining carefully every Adrian's move.

My mate bursts out laughing. He drops his head to the ground for a few seconds before lifting it and locking his eyes with my exhausted ones "if they wanted you, they would have left with you" he halts, discarding his hatch from mine to meet Adam's terrified one "can't blame them though, they've never known happiness with you, how could they? you're all monsters"

Jay and Stephan finally take his right and left side, adding to his already dominant overshadowing.

Adam smiles, not a genuine smile but a sarcastic one. The twitch that his lips take elicits Adrien even more. My mate grunts, displeased at what the other side has to say

"coming from the man who baited us using his own pack" a nervous laugh exits his hardly curled lips. He rolls over and eyes his backed up force. The same force that seemed all fierce while busting a place they knew would only be crammed with women and kids, but ceased moving after hearing their alpha's earlier roar.

My eyes sketch their long path from Adam to my boyfriend's face, searching for the slightest intention of denial of what the other just accused him of. Anything, anything that can redeem his inexcusable action. Instead, I've seen nothing but a slight regret. The only feeling he shows no shame of letting out of check.

So, he did bait his old men using us. But then again, he probably did that because of me. This problem about his rebellious men long existed before I could invade his life but he only took action when I was facing danger after what happened with Greyson several days ago.

I could blame him later, but now, I need to act as the damn Luna I'm supposed to be.

"Well, at least it worked on you, dumbass" my blabbering mouth just doesn't know when to shut up and neither do my limbs know when to give up struggling. Stretching my legs, I try to dock myself on the ground that this big Jaden dude is stopping me from embracing. His grip grows more confining, forcing a small whimper of pain out of me.

On the other side, Adrien is beholding Jaden compressing his clasp on me. and boy if that isn't outraging the living hell out of him.

"Get your fucking hands off her" he threatens, bossing toward us. His jaw is tightly clenched and his eyes are narrowed. Shooting Jaden, a no-living-tomorrow promise.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now