Chapter 48

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I inhale after I cut short my sonorous scream. He responds quickly to my pain and jerks himself away from me.

"godamn it Adrien. No fucking biting" I complain, coating the place where he bit me with my hand. Blood, I'm bleeding and it looks like my shoulder is not the only place where I'll be bleeding tonight.

I watch him as he moves crazily, the furthest that little sanity he still got on him, allows him to.

"stay the fuck back" his voice is hoarse as he appears to be fighting himself, or rather a part of himself. His wolf.

"it is okay it is okay" I say, straightening my palms and using them to soothe him down as I approach him.

"I said stay back" he roars, making my knees go weak and my feet to freeze where they are, inches away from where he's back walling himself.

He seems terrifying and I have no dash of doubt that he's terrified of himself too. It must be hard enough to fight what your own self craves so you can keep a person that you Cherish out of harm.

I master all the courage that I have in me and strides forward, ignoring his begging shouts of staying far away from him.

"it is okay Adrien. I know that's not what you need" I finally stand in front of him. Even though his legs are slightly bent, his height is still overshadowing mine. I span my palms and lock them on his rigid cheeks. his teeth bulge against my hold. A shiver runs through me, undeniably afraid that he might bite me again but backing off isn't on my "to do" list for tonight.

His face shakes rapidly and firmly in my hands, refusing to bend down for his most wanted desires.

"it is okay " I repeat again, my hands leave his face and trail to the end of my sweet shirt, pulling it over my head and tossing it on the ground. "I want this okey? I'm giving you my consent. Don't hold back"

I'm not sure that I can take responsibility for what I said though.

He lets his gold irises linger down my collar bone, to my bra and my bare stomach. His hands span in a trembling move to grab my waist. I wince in pain. Well, the tyrannical-strength thing has proven to be true, so true.

He slams me against him as he lowers his hands to cup my ass and lift me to his level. I lock my legs on his back, feeling tingly between my legs as his member meets my core. Okay this isn't so bad.

His lips pick mine. forcibly, his tongue slides in and I nearly choke by the lack of air. Gentle got barred down as soon as I tossed my top away, sending the last of his sanity down with it.

"you smell so fucking good" he mutters, moaning into my mouth. He finally leaves my mouth and dips to my neck again, this time, not waiting to reach my mark, he seeds his canines in wherever bare meat he meets on his way. Bite by bite, my neck proves to get more senseless as I cease feeling the same level of pain each time he adds another one.

My arms move from his broad shoulders to his face as I cup his cheeks again.

"you never listen, do you?" I smile exhaustedly; tears are drowning my eyes. Both pleasure and pain are to blame. "I said no biting"

He looks at me with a pained expression, as if millions of apologies are being wordlessly said between us. For not being able to stop and for what is horrifyingly going to come.

"it is okay '' I sniff "I'm all yours, both of you" I force my words in a raspy voice.

He clicks his teeth and unveils the sharp combination of teeth he has in the back of his mouth. One hand of his, leaves my ass, and climbs up my back, tearing my bra out of its place. I can't help the pain moan as it escapes my mouth when the elastic fabric slaps my skin.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now