chapter 12

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His eyelids move swiftly for two times, trying to flick off the bewilderness that his features forcefully stumbled upon. A light smirk follows after.

"You want to fight?" he asks, a bit enthusiastic.

"I want to try not getting my ass killed in a lethal world full of imaginary giant wolves because it is seriously a horrible way to die, but yea you can put it that way, I want to fight!"

His giggle rings in my ear before he leans over, shortening the vast difference between our heights.

"well, if that's what you want, then so be it" scooping himself closer to me, his close-up face, his intoxicating scent that I've never smelled like, everything about him is dreadfully overwhelming. "I'm going to tell Belle, she'll toughen you up" he leans further before he slides an arm behind my back, his lips stalk their route to my sensitive ear. His husky voice and his hot pants dance against my ear as I struggle to keep calm. I manage to force myself not to back off but the drumming of my heart is not as still.

"But, I'll always protect you myself".

I raise my head, tracking his face as it flies away from mine. He steps back, leaving me incomprehensibly frustrated.

"Belle?" I question, doubtfully. Barely managing to steady my shaky voice.

"yea" he says, backpedaling a persistent smile. "You see those men right there" he points to the crowded oasis. "They're all mentored by her; she is my supreme war commander"

Dragging my eyes along a handful of men training in the flat area, monstrously structured men is fair enough to be used as a description. However, the fact that they stand below the blonde that I've seen previously does not surprise me in the slightest. She may be smaller compared to them but the aura that swivels around her every dignified move is speaking larger volumes that neither of their bodies will ever be able to accommodate.

The vibe that she gives is tough enough for a mere human like me to sense.

"Thank you" I smile, innocently.

His gaze overhauls on me for a few seconds and his hand moves slightly on the small of my back. I freeze, not knowing what to anticipate. He brings his face as close as possible to mine and lets his lips crash on my clueless one.

Trying not to scare me off, His kiss starts off silkily gentle before it grows more and more needy. His other hand scales my neck and settles right under the line of my jaw. Warmness pools into me from every light touch he places.

Instinctively adjusting, I hook my hands around his neck and tiptoe on my feet. Responding to my initiative that certifies clear consent, his tongue knocks on my lips, asking for entrance as I gladly let him in.

"You taste like fucking heaven!" breaking off the battle between our tongues, he pants heavily in proximity of my face. He is warm, incredibly warm, as if he is his own sun.

He eyes me lasciviously as I try to pick up my quick breath.

"Common" he says softly, outlining a playful smile across his lips "we better leave it at that if I don't want to be rubbing one on my own this night" he keeps his arm around my waist, adjusting it to support my weight as we walk back from where we came. I don't find it in me to object on anything he does as I fight to keep my knees straight. Stop acting like the clueless virgin you are Sesil.

But in my defense, that was some magical kiss. I can still feel whatever is tingling between my legs. He surely knows how to kiss and i'm sure he would be even better at other stuff.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now