chapter 15

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Yet another term that my human knowledge is proving to be impotent to figure out.

"what do you mean non-pureblood?" I ask, maintaining my eyes on her face while not forgetting to take a few peeks from now and then at Stephan and belle's faces as well.

The atmosphere has swiftly turned sour. Whatever the meaning that this word holds, it must not be in any way pleasant for anyone present in this room, except for the clueless me of course. I'm yet to decide how I would feel about it.

"what I'm going to tell you took place in the blood pack twenty-eight years ago, alpha Adrien ordered us to be totally discreet when it comes to our pack's history" she pauses, shutting her eyes slightly and inhaling deeply.

"But you are the Luna now and you deserve to know" she proceeds as I give her a confirming nod.

"the ODOL family had been the alpha family that had taken over control in the blood pack for many generations. And it is more or less fair to say that they had always had a special but a little disturbing ritual when it comes to keeping the bloodline" she pauses again, trying to pick her shattered thoughts which only confirms that this was not an easy topic for her to talk about.

"they mated a chosen son and a chosen daughter who belonged to the same family. A man and a woman of the same father and the same mother" she explains, guilt equipped her face even though this is something she had no control over. On the other hand, my reaction was pretty much predicted when I widened my eyes, surprised and slightly disgusted.

"you mean siblings, they mated siblings?" I gasp, disturbed.

"yes" she breathes out, uncontrollably shaking on every letter.

"they mated a brother and a sister, it was a long-applied tradition from a time none of us recall, however, things changed when Adrien's father, also known as the former alpha Alec invaded the pack and called for a duel all of sudden. Alpha kai refused as it was expected because unless you belong to the pack itself, you have no right to call for a fight against the leader. But what we didn't expect is that Alec found another compelling way to convince the alpha when mysterious pup's kidnapping cases broke out of nowhere" she balks, picking her breaths before diving into the story again.

"alpha Alec was unexpectedly strong for a rootless rogue, but his sneaky brain was the main reason why he defeated his opponent, and even though alpha kai admitted defeat, he killed him nonetheless, and what is even odder, that didn't sit with anyone is that he did not kill the former Luna, Caroline, Adrien's mom, nor tossed her outside of her pack. Instead he killed her mate and marked her as his new one" she finishes her speech, pronouncing that is how far she's going to tell me. I stayed quiet during the whole storytelling. A lot of things have been hurled all together on me during these last few days of my life and my brain is nearly becoming unable to keep up.

"a lot of people call him brutal" a faint smile curls her collapsing lips "they judge him once they lay their eyes on him, but they don't even bother understanding" she continues - taking advantage of my silence- chuckling warmly for moments before proceeding furthermore "and he, as stubborn as he is, he doesn't bother showing them how wrong they are" two of her fingers brush my heated cheek.

"he has the alpha wolf inside of him, she was born half ODOL but also half rogue. He doesn't necessarily have the right blood to contain what he inherited. That is why there is no certain balance between him and his partner. You can say that's why his anger takes the best of him all the time" she leans in slow motion, printing a kiss on my forehead.

"he needs someone to understand Sesil" giving me a long thoughtful look, she lets her crumbled lips fall into a second, warm smile "I have high hopes that the person he waited for might be you"

Her words dig deep inside of me, I can't imagine being inside of these turbulent events and unfinished drama, much less care about people other than myself, who are also never ready to give in exchange of what you give them. At least, Laurine cares for him like a son of her own as far as I can tell from the way she talks about him. Stephan, Jay, and especially Belle respect him to their heart's content, and I suppose that is what makes you continue heading forward. those who sincerely care about you, even if they are too rare compared to those who hate on you.

The bright, almost disturbing light of the room falls on our gloomy faces for a couple of awkward, silent minutes, before Adrien's mad face's sudden break-through. His eyes fall immediately on my weary body, as I lay on the bed. I pick myself a bit higher and meet his mad gaze.

"why the fuck is she here?" he asks, his nostrils flare and his eyes narrow.

He rushes toward me, Laurine retrieves from her place to give him quick access to me. He lifts his face back up once he takes a quick look at my bruises. Belle comes into his agitated view and judging how she is biting on her lips nervously; she definitely knows what is to come.

"I told you to train her, not beat her ass hardcore" he scolds, more like in a fatherly manner than how should a supposedly boss do.

"stop it Adrien, I'm fine, and it is not her fault, you can't expect me to toughen up if I didn't get a beating first, it is better her off than someone else" I interrupt him, slightly annoyed. His temper is slowly heading the list of things I don't like about him.

His face takes a fast turn, shifting his attention once again to me while anger and a dash of worry dances on the surface of his gorgeous complexion. He picks me in his arms, bridal style, thanking Laurine, and rushing out of her house without saying another word after.

Once we reach the room after a long embarrassing journey of other pack members staring at us on our way, he puts me on the bed and pulls a black drawer. He picks an aid kid little bag and puts it beside me, on the bed.

"show me your bruises" he demands, finally after keeping the silence for way too long. I've never been in his silent presence and I can say after being in it for one time that I don't like it. I would very much prefer his smug, blabbering self.

I smile widely at his foggy act of kindness. At least he's not mad enough not to care about my condition. He knots his eyebrows together as he stares at my silly smile.

"What did she tell you?" he asks. his hands start rinsing my cuts with hot water. I flinch from his warm touch.

"what do you mean?" I ask, falsifying an ignorance act. It only proves how much of a horrible liar I'm when he makes a face at me.

"you know what I mean, Laurine, what did she tell you?" he demands, hardening the edges of his commanding voice.

"Nothing much" I dodge his question. They aren't supposed to tell me and I'm not holding my breath on what he's going to do if they contradicted his orders and did.

Showing that he is a no fan of my discretion, he presses the patch, way too much against my hip. I escort a loud moan and scowl at him. That wasn't nice.

"get some sleep sweetheart, tomorrow you have college" he commands, replacing everything in its prior places.

"you'll let me go," I ask, doubtful.

"I'm a man of my word" dazzling his charming eyes into me, he calls for his usual smile back on his face "jay will go with you, I have some work to do, you might not find me tomorrow when you wake up" he explains, briefly, letting his wide steps stalk their way toward the exit.

He takes a last peek at my face before he gently swings the door closed behind him.

I wonder why he looks down and noticeably stressed. Is it something I did? Is it because he sensed that I knew something about his family? Stuff he planned to keep hidden maybe?

Or is it something my little mind will not be able to guess?

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now