Chapter 49

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The first thing that invades my fazed view as I open my eyes is Adrien's face. His fingers are caressing my legs and an indecipherable utterance is claiming his face.

I try to move and let him know that I'm fully awake, but every tiny move takes an incredible amount of patience to handle the pain that is harnessing my every muscle.

"is the offer of benefiting from Luna's sickness leave still standing?" I joke, trying to lighten up what I'm sure of being a gloomy mood.

Adrien gives me a dismal look for two seconds before letting the rage float on his surface.

"what were you thinking?" he asks in a dangerously low voice. Really? That's the first thing he wants to say in the morning after pounding me all night.

"oh no no no, you don't get to pull an all-nighter fucking my brains out and be an asshole about it the very next morning that follows" I try to pick myself a bit but terribly fail as I tumble back down. His hand drives behind my back and he heaves me to his embrace. His sturdy touch makes me wince in pain. It feels like all of my bones have stopped functioning.

Still holding me in a sitting stance, he indulges some distance between us and prepares for us to have a face-to-face conversation.

Shutting his eyes momentarily closed, He inhales nattily, trying to bite down his missed up temper "I said-"

"you didn't say, Adrien. That's the fucking problem. You told me nothing, kept me in complete dark, and as always expected me to take this kind of shit because you think it is for my protection"

I give him no open chance to make a sustainable excuse for his stupid beliefs.

"you think this is fine?" he yells, pointing out my impotence of even picking my damn self on my own.

"I think it is more than fine Adrien. Unlike what you think, I'm okay with a little pain. I can take it"

"little pain?" he peels the blankets off of my stomach, uncovering the blue marks of his bites and his fingers all over my skin.

I pierce my bottom lip. I can't believe we're having this kind of conversation.

"collateral damage" I argue "or would you have preferred it if it was a certain redhead?" the question that I had hanging at the end of my throat from the moment that Scarlet came back surges forcefully to the outside.

He seems taken back for a moment, the closer he ever seemed to being confused.

"Is this what all of this is about?" he backs his fresh, out-of-the-shower wet hair as he struggles to answer as he should.

He cups my cheek and looks me straight into the eyes. His green eyes burn into my very soul and I can no longer stand him giving me those looks.

"I'm not interested in her. She is just one of my underlings" he bears every single drop of sincerity he has within him to me, but I still find it hard to believe.

"for an underling, she seems to have a special treatment" I tear my cheeks from his hold to free myself from his gaze. I'm afraid I'll believe whatever he is saying if he keeps looking at me like that.

I cross my arms and face the other side. I hear him make a deep sigh.

"let's give you a warm shower first" he suggests, calling the softness back to his face.

"no thanks, I'm perfectly capable of giving myself a damn shower"

His arms slip under my legs and I'm already lifted into the air and joined to his bare chest.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now