Chapter 46

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In the car, the air feels suffocating. My eyes are set on what's outside but I'm not effectively observing the road. My mind is rather elsewhere. Still stuck where I last left Adrien, still in the pack house, where I strongly believe that I should be.

Stephan sticks to his muted mode as he notices that I'm not all set for a casual, funny conversation.

I can feel his shortly stolen glances from now and then. it is clearly hard for him to have company and not do right by it. He has always been this way, from our first encounter in that café.

The irony. We're always stuck with each other in times that we don't favor.

"so?" I hear him utter, steadily. I glance at him. His desperation for making some kind of conversation, any kind is truly impressive. But then again, there are really two types of people and me and Stephan belong – each one of us – in the side across from the other. While he is all friendly and sociable, I find talking when I'm not obliged to, a real hustle.

"excited about spending a stay over with your mom?" his grimace is hopeful. He keeps his hands on the steering wheel, occasionally looking at me for a brief moment and going right back to being the conscious driver he is.

"you have no idea" the irony stands out the most in my tone. I'm upset and I can't keep pretending that I'm not.

"Luna-" his words get violently interrupted when I suddenly snap with no prior warning.

"I know about the bloody moon Stephan"

Here, I said it. Only in the wrong place and to the absolute wrong person.

Stephan's front takes a moment to digest my burst out. The surprise takes him off guard and he stares at me stunned. Words that he prepared on the time that he kept silent has crumbled and a simple hushed ohh is all he manages to let out.

"okay" he breathes out. One look at the way he's breathing air slowly and rushing the wheels to turn in his head and I know that excuses are to come next.

"I know how this looks like" he breathes again, readying himself to talk about the one subject that he thought we won't be discussing on this ride.

"do you?" I beat him to words, sarcasm and anger are all I let out of me within the flow of my words. but, they are plenty enough to hide my feeling of disappointment.

"Luna" he pleads again for a chance, a chance to explain things. this time, I accept.

He is not the one to blame anyway, emptying the feelings that I kept stored in front of my mate on someone who holds the tiniest share is a cowardly act, and I am not a coward.

"it is safer for you this way" he takes another breath. I doubted that he was going to tell me otherwise. They all say the same thing anyway.

"why? Because I'm human Stephan?"

He swallows, he knows better than to simply accept. My humanity has never stopped me from forcing my way through.

"that's a part of the reason"

So it is a bitter yes after all. Fair enough, two can play this game. If he wants an argument, I'll give him one hell of an argument

"well let me break it up to you" I struggle against my belt; my body is urging me to roll as much as I can to face him.

"your brother is mated to my best friend, and just in case you don't know, Mara is human too" my voice takes a fast turn, embodying irked screams.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now