chapter 18

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I wear a large open sweater to shield my exposed skin from the cruel breeze of the night. Exiting Laurine's house to only god knows where, I realize that it is my first time strolling the pack without someone to escort me. It feels freeing but no less than embarrassing. Those distant side-eyes everyone in the pack gives me aren't as sincere as the bow they gesture at me with, as I cross ways with them.

When my eyes catch a dimmer light coming from one of the oasis's roofed sections, I quicken my small steps, to reach it faster. When I left the house, I was clumsily oblivious to the blunt darkness that roams this place at night.

I peek my head inside of one of the sections, spotting a flying boxing bag. The bag hits the wall in a loud frightening sound. The sand that was once inside of it shatters all around the ground. The poor bag isn't the only one who had its inside brought out.

There, in the center of the room stood Adrien, sweat streams down his whole body. His black sleeveless undershirt sticks to his board chest.

They have always said sweat makes men, now I know what they meant.

His golden eyes land on me before he climbs his hands to wipe the sweat out of his face. His wounded knuckles comes into my bewildered view.

He sure doesn't take it easy. I can effortlessly see his metacarpal bones peeping outside.

"Your hands" I call, concerned, as I join myself inside of the training room. The room looks overall like a boxing gym with some faint, hardly noticeable differences.

"Oh," he says as he steals a short peep at his hands before dropping them back to their place. "don't worry they're gonna heal in no time"

I take few steps, getting closer to him. His voice practically roars as he asks or rather commands me to stay put. I stiffen in my place, involuntarily.

"I need to calm down, let me take a cold shower first" he explains, shortly. Excusing himself for nearly fifteen minutes, he get out, only half-dressed, wearing a black sleeveless undershirt and large pair of shorts. His wet hair is dropping remains of water everywhere.

"You're going to catch cold" I warn him, taking a seat on a little metal closet.

"Our normal body temperature is very high; I can't catch cold love"

"By the way, I have something for you" his strides jerk into a sudden halt and he sketches a smile on his face. Shifting his way toward his jacket, he pulls something out of it.

Going all the way until meeting my seated body, he hands me a sliver gun.

The gun is beautifully made; roses are sculpted all over it, with an eagle spreading his large wings portrayed on its grip panel. I smile, widely.

This is surely for me; it looks too feminine for his taste.

"You know how to shoot?" he asks, looking at me as I excitedly check it out.

"Yea. I've spent my whole life until now, shooting anyone in sight" waving the gun aimlessly, I eye him as he flinches back.

"Careful darling, it's loaded with silver bullets, you'll have my ass bleeding to death if you shot me" he warns, lowering my hand.

"Doesn't seem all that bad" I tease him, using his excessive scared reaction against him.

this must be the first time I've seen him afraid.

He arches his brow and smirks, mischievously "didn't know you were into pain" he giggles as I press a light slam onto his arm.

He stands behind me, lowering his large corps to settle his chin on my left shoulder. His wet hair is hitting my neck, and his hands are settled against mine. Too close for my heart to master its beats. Alerted by the new tempo that the drumming of my heart took, he molds a smug grin against my ears.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now