chapter 14

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Our advance split the crowds into two teams opening up a road in which we can walk through. To where she'll probably beat the shit out of my soul. Every werewolf has decided for their eyes to be kept locked on me. Their thirsty, watchful gapes fell on me giving me all kinds of glances, some inquisitive, some taunting, and some impressed.

"When you're fighting someone face to face. You keep your eyes on them, distraction can cost you your life Luna" knowing that she's an opponent I should not drop my guard against, I listen with the last drop of attention I have as she instructs.

she comes at me without further due, swinging a jab straight to my face which I avoid despite its absurd velocity. Only to realize it was barely a distraction tactic when she grabs my right hip and meets my feet from behind. Stealing my balance, she lets my body stumble back.

I struggle on the ground for a while, waves of pain strike my body. I'll probably have my ass throbbing for a while.

"Luna?" She calls me in a serious tone but still carries a hint of worry.

"GUUUURL, that was badass" I shout, excitedly as I bring my legs to yank me into a standing stance.

"well let's continue then," a playful satisfied smirk plays on her lips. She struggles to hold it back.

We keep on fighting, as I gradually become desensitized to the crowd watching over us with curious eyes. We exchange all kinds of blows in which I, myself, succeed in landing some considerable punches. Breaking through the steady rhythm that we were going at, she decides on breaking the balance of power as she flies her crumbled fist straight toward my throat. Although she stops inches from crushing my neck, my brain has already gone through all kinds of pain that would have followed her whack. A drop of my sweat leaves the edge of my chin, falling to the ground as I motionlessly freeze.

"a throat punch can even crush the windpipe if the right amount of power is used, if not it can at least knock the other person out of their balance giving you the lead" cupping my chin, she forces me to look right at the mesmerizing, silver gleaming that her eyes are sheltering.

"looks like my wolf is kind of excessively excited" she smiles widely, pulling her leather, fingerless, fighting gloves that match perfectly her long black hoodie and white pair of shorts.

"come at me" she orders, stiffening in her place.

I initiate as I am instructed, shaping my fist to strike an uppercut, but she sees right through my move. She does not just stop my upcoming attack but also snatches my neck and slams me against the ground. The world spinning around me is all I can sense before finding my neck pressed right between the ground beneath me and the grasp of her slim fingers. I gasp for air as her hand is about to crush my throat.

"you're not weak, stop using your human strength, use what being a Luna gives you, use what being mated to the alpha gives you" she orders, removing her hand from my neck and standing back on her two legs. I don't really need to see my neck to know that it is bruised.

"Belle" Stephan calls, in a notifying manner. He strides closer to us "you might not want to break her, we need her you know" he states, annoyed. He spans his hand to help me back on my now pathetically wiggling feet yet I politely decline. Being the weakest in this place does not feel pleasant at all.

"it is fine she's gonna heal any...." She cuts her words and lets her blue eyes wander my bruised neck.

"you're not healing, why?" she says, carelessly caressing my exposed and harshly bruised skin. I flinch back and escort the pain moans that I was hardly keeping prisoners inside.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now