Chapter 38

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Our steps trail backward.

The only exit that we had in hands is already blocked and we're left at the mercy of two dudes whom intentions are in no way lenient or clean.

I grip on the metal bat, burying my mom behind me. Our dreadful movement does not go unnoticed by the two massively structured men.

Their image comes across as being barbaric. Their clothes are carelessly thrown on their sun-dried skins. The one that is foregoing his companion has a wide scar, marking his right chin. A keen tool must have caused that wound, it appears painfully deep. most likely a claw.

I could've tried to set their attention on something else while we run the other way, buying ourselves more time, because time is the thing that we desperately need right now. Nevertheless, turning your back on your enemy is never a good strategy. Adrien has shown me a living example when he forced me on a wall and marked me.

I doubt that my previous technique would work on this one too. Previously I had the element of surprise. The guy laying half-dead on the broken table of the living room did not know that I was hiding like a rat, ready to strike him where he can't expect. However, those fellas are right in front of me. If I much as show some signs of retaliation, I might get on their bad side –that if I wasn't already there by default – and they might snap our heads.

The scarred guy traverses the small apartment, letting his eyes dock at last on the sleeping beauty decayed in the living room. Not exactly a good method of showing them my hospitality. His face goes blank for a split second while I am waiting for him to curse, to shout, and even come at me with murderous intents. However, to my awe, he chuckles, and I just know that his odd reaction is far more dreadful.

"When I heard him talking shit about how we should form groups to hunt down a little human whore. I'd really suspected that he lost his fucking mind" his voice is croaky, but not the pleasant type of it. The words he just rehearsed in the silent, tight space vibrated inside of it and our accelerated heartbeats are the answer.

"Looks like the little kitten can bite" he sneers, running a disgusting, pervy diagnosis all over my body, until he settles on the side of my neck.

"She is a Luna" the guy displayed behind floats on the same level as his friend, informing him of what he seems to already know.

"Her alpha will be so much trouble Derek," he warns with more willingness. Hesitancy is slowly showing off on his motion.

The scarred guy supposedly called Derek as his friend declared him to be, groans, utterly displeased. He battles his ideas for a moment before he decides on his next move.

"See if I give a fuck" he grunts. His forwarded tendency toward us is more certain than before.

"MOM, GO INSIDE" I order harshly against her refusal to budge away from me. I know that even as scared and confused as she is, she is not going to run away and leave me behind with them.

I swing the bat in a desperate move, trying to earn some time for my mom to at least hide in one of the rooms. They do not want her, they want me.

He grabs my powerless weapon and twists it out of my hand. It felt as if he wanted to tear my arm along with it too. I moan in pain, clasping my right hand.

As soon as I manage to pick myself out of the pool of pain he has thrown me into, his hand is already on my neck, working to stop the air from accessing my lungs. I fight the enormous power he puts in the hold he has over me, only for him to grasp it harder. My mom tries to help me, however, he pushes her, sending her head to meet the edge of a doorframe.

She faints and I fight harder.

"Derek, maybe we shouldn'-' ' the other guy suggests, his dread displayed through my teary eyes.

"Shut the fuck up" Derek spits "you wanna be a pussy, go be a pussy. He thinks he can order me around as if I'm one of his bitches" the volume of his voice becomes louder as he boosts the pressure applied on my neck. I root my feeble fingers between his hand and my neck, my legs wiggling crazily as I lose feeling of the ground beneath me. The only thing keeping me from being choked for a couple of more junctures is the strength that magically flew in my vitalities.

His enjoyment of his sadistic choking ceases as soon as a furious Goliath bangs on the wooden door of the apartment, tearing it down. Derek swivels his head to inspect the source of the stunning outcry, loosening the deadly tie around my neck. Only to find himself dragged by the back collar of his shirt.

The man, previously busy draining the air out of my soul, now lays on the ground of the other room after being thrown like a bullet. I fall on the floor, coughing my lungs out. Once again, I've been inches away from meeting my creator.

The other man looks at his friend and realizes that his fortune is going to be nothing different from his companion's. He gives escaping a moment of reflection before denying it, he knows that he's not going to be able to outrun his adversary. He decides then, that he has to fight if he wants to survive. Little did he know that survival isn't among the choices.

His veins float on his skin and his muscles become stringent. His Bone-cracks resound within the place and the newly shifted wolf howls asserting his dominance. My angry alpha narrows his eyes, his visions go from unnatural to raw animalistic.

The rush in his blood reaches the deepest place in my heart. He is going berserk and that is probably going to cause me a heart attack.

The light brown-furred predator jumps on us, his mouth wide open, and the hierarchy of his teeth is plainly visible. I gasp in terror, my hand still on my bruised neck, sticking to the wall against me. Adrien swings his fist, striking his jaw. A loud bone smashing reverberates and the wolf whimpers in pain.

The bestial corpse gets slammed on the wall, blood seeping from his mouth, and down his dangling tongue.

My mate strides back to him. Unsatisfied with his work, He stands in front of its hardly collected body, his back getting bigger and back to its size like the pulse of an aggressive heartbeat.

The wolf jumps once more in a second attempt, meeting an unfortunate ending when Adrien arm-triangle chokes him.

Adrien pivots his head from a corner to another, scanning for any kind of danger imperiling his territory until he lands his eyes on Derek. The golden part has taken control over the entire space in them, leaving only his pupils to stand out, like black drops plunging in rivers of lava.

He steps slowly toward Derek's sleeping corpse. That fall must have broken his bones. His standing ability is going to be questionable for the near future.

I crawl on my knees on the way to my mother, seeking to check out if she is the least okay.

My vision is still hazy from the lack of air and a nauseous feeling is taking over my stomach.

Our little private place has become a nightmarish grave. Blood is cruising the marble floor. Adrien's first victim – inside the house – lays, naked and dead at the broken entrance door while the second one is on the edge that separates the living room and the other spaces waiting for the same destiny that struck his friend. In addition, the last one, barely alive, slumbering on the entirely damaged glass table in the living room.

I take my mom's head on my lap as I struggle to stop my wooziness, calling for her in a small voice two times but getting no signals of response.

"Common mom, this is not the time for your beauty sleep," I whisper, letting the tears run wild on my cheeks. The first thing that occurs to me is to check out if she has blood coming out of her head. Luckily and at least, her head is not injured but she might have a concussion.

Coming here was a mistake. She might have been worried before seeing me but she is now wounded. At least in the former, she was unharmed physically.

Previously Belle and now my mother. My jinx of attracting the pithiest of fates is now affecting others.

My mate is still busy, emptying his anger on Derek and using him as a punching bag. By the time, he stands back a little, picking his breaths and refreshing his energy. His victim – that you can hardly call an opponent – is sparsely recognizable. His face had been dehumanized beyond healing.

"Adrien" I call in a shaky voice, pleading with him to leave the nearly dead man and come help me instead.

Enough killing for one day.

He glimpses at me, running his eyes all over me and the fainting-with-no-signs-of-waking-up blonde laying on my lap.

"See you in hell" he spits before delivering an ultimate punch, smashing his skull. He walks over to me, his eyes gradually winning back their human nature.

He kneels to my level. Running his hand on my bruised neck, he sighs nattily, soothing his anger.

"You'll heal" he assures me, taking me gently inside of his embrace, avoiding to shake neither of my fragile physique nor my mom's fainting one.

My head relaxes on his chest, his ferocious heartbeat is chaotically throbbing as if it is going to burst out of its place, but it strangely eases both of my chattered ideas and my frightened core.

"My mom" I whisper in a brittle voice.

"Her heartbeat is normal but she'll need to get checked up," he informs briefly, battling himself for a few seconds to free me, so we can look after my mother.

The sirens fill the air, informing us of Uncle Chris's arrival

"took him long enough" Adrien mutters, picking my mom in his arms and exiting the nearly destroyed apartment. I follow him right after, leaving behind us a place that we entered as a normal cozy house but left as a supernatural crime scene.

Outside, the sun is below the horizon, its bloody glare attacks my sensitive eyes. The day has started saying its goodbye, letting the night coat the sky with its relaxing dark blue tint.

The changes of the lighting volume that are hard for my teary gapes to adapt to, loud people getting outside of their houses, and the sirens becoming louder as we trudge closer to their source, are all broadening my dizziness.

What a loud day.

My mate hurries down the stairs. A member of the medical team hesitates for a moment before approaching him. It takes her a swift land of her eyes on my mother's carried carcass for her strong sense of duty to force her to push the fear into a firm corner and advance toward him. Asking him questions about what happened, she begins unwrapping her next decision.

Adrien plops my mom on a medical gurney while the woman starts examining her.

"You'll need to get checked out too" he pulls me to his side. Commanding the medical team to give me a portion of their attention.

"There is no need Adrien I'm okay"

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now