chapter 10

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"You were going to hurt Mara" I tilt my head up, giving him an accusative look that he; himself knows that he deserves. "And you punched jay for no goddamn reason" I huff, still madly affected by how horrible I spent the last few days, lifeless and puking my heart out.

A frown sketches his features. Not frowning on me stating the obvious but frowning on how much each word of mine holds an unfalsified report on how horrible he acted last time. He regrets what he did, there is no denying that. However, looking back at how many people he hurt – and he was going to hurt if I didn't stop him – he needs a much stronger sentiment than sheer regret.

"Can I even assure myself that you're not going to hurt me again?" I blur out, angrily.

Silence. Utterly silent, he battles himself to make some kind of excuses. Shame swells in his throat and the once arrogant man is no longer the one hovering above my shorter frame. His green eyes steal mine's attention and the words that he couldn't speak are being dialed between us mutedly.

His pitiful looks have rooted inside of me and I find myself regretting my choice of words. He is hurt, hurt by himself, hurt by others and hurt by the fact that he can't figure out what to do to wipe out what he did.

One thing I know. He didn't mean it.

"Why did you bite me?" my hand scales up to my neck. The bleeding stopped pouring generously as soon as I decided that he needed a second chance. that we both do.

He widths his hand, aiming for my mark. I flinch back instinctively and he withdraws it back.

He clears his throat and speaks as he keeps his distance "It is called the marking; werewolves do that to claim their mates and strengthen the bond between them"

The marking huh? I knew that I wanted no part in it.

I run my fingers tenderly across it. I can feel the traces that his teeth left when they brutally claimed my skin.

"So only the guys can do it?"

"No" he curves his lips and lets a small smile grace them. He must be amused by my curiosity. my stupid curiosity. "even females can do it, but... well; it is impossible in our case" his tongue stills and his lips stretch once again - with no conservation this time- shaping a wide smile. "your teeth won't be enough to engrave my skin" he lets the scene run in his head before he captures my lips in his hungry gaze "although, I wouldn't mind you nipping on my neck"

As much as I hate it. He is not the only one struggling with his impulses. Everything about him is addictive and alluring. just like everything about a predator should be.

His gaze vows to not leave mine and the effect that he has over me is slowly growing stronger, but I'm not about to give up and give him what he wants.

"So how is our situation any different now? I mean I could just trick those security guys of yours which by the way, they themselves need to be secured, and run away again" I shrug carelessly.

He leans backward, sinking in his seat.

"Well, that mark on your neck tells that you're a Luna. Alphas' marks are larger and deeper than normal ones. Lunas are already targeted for being one of the most important poles in a pack, and let's not forget to mention that you are a human. and my human mate at that. I'm not short on enemies, I've been that way since I was born" the last sentence numbs his tongue, he halts, tasting the bitterness that every past memory offers him before he pulls his front back together and wipes every sign of vulnerability that he is not allowed to shaft on his complexion.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now