chapter 34

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Our short way back to the packhouse feels peaceful in an unfamiliar way. No loud whispers, no hateful, secret gazes, and no fake comments about unreal slanders. The salute that every person gives us as we pass by, feels truly genuine. As it should be.

My mate, too, feels relaxed and comfortable. his hand is bracing the pointy bones in my wrist. His steps are forgoing mine and his huge body is shielding me from whatever he wants to keep me hidden from. No complaints whatsoever. At least I get to see his board, masculine back, His shoulder blades bulging through his oversized t-shirt. No oversized clothing can keep that god-made piece unnoticed.

Dragging my short steps after his long ones. Various ideas -that I can't really call creative or even believable- travel my psyche, digging for a decent one for my mom to buy. However, None gets to pass, even as acceptable.

It is most likely. We're going to improvise.

I'm sure as hell that I was certainly getting grounded for the rest of my life, the moment I step inside of my house after being on kidnapped people's headlines for a whole bloody month. But as of now, going back, with an enhanced version of Jacob black with an eternal union vow. I can't even imagine what is going to happen. And I rather not.

As we pass by the training grounds, I remember that I haven't trained that much after my first session, not with Belle mentoring me at least. I've taken some time to practice shouting and my self-defense techniques whenever I got the chance to. But our last fight has proven to me that it is not even near enough.

I can't shift like the rest of them, so I'm guessing that I should instead work on my endurance. Moreover, with this stamina that I have, I won't be able to keep up with Adrien and his crazy werewolf libido.

"I will need to train" I inform Adrien with a certain willingness, hindering my steps behind him. Not enough for his to be weighted by mine but enough to assert my dragged presence, which got washed over as his rigid hand clasped on my slim wrist and his body practically ran forward.

"Not now" he slows down drastically,syncing our movement and keeping his warm hand correlated to me. His eyes shoot ahead of us and a distracted, thoughtful profile hovers around his face.

"Your headache will not subside for a couple of days. The pain will not be as severe but it will certainly feel annoying" he rubs his short hair, letting his hand trail the back of his head as he bends the latter slightly.

"And well- training with Belle is not a good idea for the days to come '' he scans the training grounds, lastly landing his green eyes that shone like a neatly wet apple in the sun, on his beta's vibrant physique as she drags raws of women behind her.

"I wouldn't advise anyone to have a fight with her or do as little as trying to challenge her. She might be looking calm. But only I can know. She's burning inside" his voice sinks deep as he runs his eyes around the place, as if he is searching for something he will never find.

"She roughed you up last time, this time she might knock you out and that, I can't allow" he rolls his head toward me and lands his eyes on my curious figure, subconsciously finding what he was looking for.

"And well you must still be a little sore down there" he drags his gaze far from mine and smirks proudly.

The blood scrambles up to my face.

"Slightly?" I protest, scaling my brows.

"Gotta pardon an excited wolf sweetheart" he admits, one corner of his lips curled in a slight tilt and eyes still roaming the grounds that he ruled. "I mean you did faint after one round" he adds, tightening the bun of his fingers around my wrist.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now