chapter 66

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Whiteness. An incredibly blinding whiteness is splashed everywhere around me. Not another color insight. Two more seconds later into scanning my surroundings before becoming more aware of something weighing down on my arms. My naked arms, just like the rest of my naked body. My arms are folded into a small embrace as I hug a petite creature against my chest.

A gorgeous baby is laying in my hands, they open their small eyes to expose a marveling greenness nesting in them and slap them back shut. Their skin is a tantalizing shade of honey and their short hair is curled against their little skull. I can't tell if they're a boy or a girl and just when I'm about to find out, my eyes snarl open and the blinding whiteness is gone.

This room is familiar, an alarming kind of familiarity. The room that Greyson had put me into.

My numb eyes swivel around it without moving a finger, or rather unable to do so.

I can hear all of them, Belle, Stephan, and Jay. Along with the questionable nature of my ability to pick myself up, my hearing isn't much trusted either. But I can tell that they are arguing at what I can assume as the entrance of the door. But the only ones my napping posture is allowing me to see are Adrien and Elijah.

Adrien is fully outfitted now. A pair of grey sweatpants and an oversized white shirt. His mouth is moving aggressively with the gush of words that he seems to rather scream at Elijah.

Bit by bit, their slurred words start making more sense.

"Elijah," Adrien says, almost in a threatening voice. Elijah's set of eyes takes hold of my sudden rise-and-shine first. He pulls his hands to his well-proportioned face and wipes the traces of devastation spoiling his beautiful features. Another twitch shakes my numb limbs, another movement that gives the doctor a reason to smile for.

Elijah looks at me thoughtfully from a distance, right at the end of the room. Even from within a considerable radius and the murky veil that is taking over my dozing eyes, I can see his cotton-candy rosy lips keeping the formation of a satisfied smile. Adrien's face is still inaccessible as he stands – unlike Elijah – facing the wall. Although his expression is still a mystery, I can tell that he is troubled. His breath is raging through the whole room and his shoulders are restlessly rocking up and down in a desperate attempt of soothing himself.

Elijah pats on Adrien's shoulder.

"she is going to be alright" he murmurs enough for me to hear too.

Adrien swivels snappily toward me. He takes my picture in his green eyes and finally frees a shallow breath. My eyes are still not entirely open and I'm still not in complete control of my body but the fact that I've finally unclasped my eyes and proved to be alive is enough assurance for now.

Elijah, unlike Adrien, wiggles hesitation out of his muscles and stalks closer to me.

"How are you feeling?"

I blink two times, hanging my eyes on the all too familiar, carved ceiling. Same place, same scene of me waking up to the unknown, yet the situation cannot be any different.

"tired" I squeak in a brittle whisper. I guess running around earlier is backfiring on my body. Upon trying to move my arm, I realize that I'm not entirely free. There is a tub linking to my wrist, connecting me to a little bag hung above my head. I suppose it is only normal after I started bleeding out.

Bleeding out?

"the baby?" I sob, starting a frantic faze of panic, yet unable to move as I'm pleased. Adrien is in the far corner, still sticking to his distant grounds. His face can only insinuate that something definitely happened. He is only capable of making such an expression if something happened to someone he cares about. I can see Belle, Stephan, and Jay, and as far as I can tell they look okay. And the least I can say about myself is that I'm alive and breathing. This must have something to do with our kid.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now