chapter 40

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my blameful glares shoot at his face.

I wait for him to strap together some kind of excuse and put off the fire hurling inside of me.

I understand that we haven't talked about our previous relationships since we didn't have time or the necessary conditions to discuss such a thing. Not to add that our bond is not exactly classic or normal, it doesn't fall in the usual pattern. I had old relationships myself too, even if they were short-lived. But having an underling as an Ex and not telling me about it, is still unacceptable.

He gives the amused blonde a dead glare and shifts his face to lock his green eyes on me.

"We'll talk about this later" he promises, sewing every drop of sincerity he has within him to convince me that it is not what I'm thinking of.

I drop my protests for the moment; it is indeed not the time nor the place to be discussing such matters. But, I nudge myself away from him displeased, only to earn a premature move from him when He slams me onto him once again. I sigh, shooting him a sharp frown.

I halt my quarrel, knowing that he's not going to let me get further from him anyway. And I don't want to put the others in a much more awkward situation than the one they are already crammed into.

"well, your delta will have to be present too since she is enlisted as one of your closest underlings. It is a rule that everyone must follow. In the assembly, even the families are obliged to attend" Vivian adds. Messing up with Adrien's mood enhanced hers.

"why is that?" I ask, trying to fish my mind out of the spoiled mood that this unpleasant news had flung me into it.

Vivian smiles, tapering her jeweled eyes "good question" she comments

"you see, alphas are hard to control. They are hot-headed and impulsive, so if you want to gather sixty or so alphas in one place you have to set strict rules and only the right ones. The assembly's number one rule is no fighting, no claws, no canines, and overall no violence. But sitting the rule is not inevitably going to get them to stick to it. They need good incentives. And that's when their underlings' and their families' attendance come to play" she stabs her fingers into her blond strands and throws them carelessly backward.

"so they are hostages?" I ask again, making sure of my assumptions.

"pretty much yeah" she ascertains, shrugging as if it is the most natural thing in the world.

I weave my eyebrow displeased. I understand that it is their way of keeping everyone in check but isn't that a little unwarranted.

"don't pout sweetheart. It is the only effective way that has proven its worth over the years. Part of us is bestial after all, we survive with instincts and instincts should be used for us to be dealt with"

Her comment only makes it harder for me to accept it.

She glimmers delicately at me "you're such a softie"

"anyway" she exhales, getting on her feet and marking the end of this meeting.

"girls, be ready for tomorrow morning" she smirks daringly "we're going to do some shopping" and then she clicks her home slippers on the floor and prepares herself to stride out along with Jacob.

"I'll be coming along" Adrien notifies the fleeing blonde, forcing her to roll over, disapproval sauntering her front.

"no it is a girls' outing" she crosses her arms over her chest "well, except for Jacob of course" she adds.

"she will not go outside of this damn pack without me" Adrien scowls and a new conflict is on the upswing.

"Adrien-" I whisper to him. If they keep this up, we will never leave this damn room and I'm not up for that option.

"she'll be fine. You have my word on that" her playful demeanor is gone; a serious one is the one she slides on her front.

For the first time between these two, they somehow seem to understand each other's point of view.

Adrien keeps silent for a moment before giving her a faint nod.

The others begin clearing out after Vivian and her beta, leaving only Mara and me in the spacious hall. Adrien wanted to drag me out with him. He possibly wanted to talk about his ex-girlfriend, or maybe not. He doesn't like telling me things anyway.

Am I acting too sensitive about the whole thing?

I doubt he would've handled the topic with any more rationality if it was about me and not him.

I free a long sigh and brush everything out of my mind. My best friend that I haven't seen in ages is finally sitting beside me and I don't want to waste this precious time thinking about stuff that can be delayed for later.

With Jay's steps lastly wandering outside of the main hall, Mara tosses her arms around me, offering me a warm hug that I gladly answer back. I wonder how she is feeling after knowing that she's also destined to be a werewolf's pair. Although I doubt her feelings will be anything bad. She had already been obsessed with Jay anyway.

"I missed you so much you little piece of shit. You didn't text back, you didn't answer my calls, I was losing my shit. We were losing our shit" she scolds, withholding to vacate the voluptuous surface of my neck.

"I'm sorry" I whisper, rubbing her back. Her hot gusts are tickling my neck and her tears are wetting my skin.

She's crying.

My mom was concerned, my best friends were concerned, Adrien was concerned. And guilt is truly eating me alive.

My previous life was much easier; at least, as long as I hid the things that kept me restless during nights, I was the only one affected by my suffering. That was definitely easier.

"your apology is unaccepted" she hiccups as she finally unearths her messed up face and sets it up in front of mine. Her nose and cheeks are red, salty drops are heavying up her lashes, and her light brown hair is sticking to her sun-kissed skin. I smile. She's an ugly crier.

"Well, I guess I will have to work for it" My voice is a little hoarse and tears are endangering to run loose on my cheeks.

I swallow the lump in my throat.

"So you and Jay huh?" I give her a teasing look, seeing the sparks travel between her blue eyes. Her face beams and she sucks in a long breath.

"Yes, I knew there was something about the way I felt about him. It was no ordinary attraction, rather a magical love at first sight" she wipes the tears out of her face, threatening to smudge the soft makeup she has set on.

"I'm not sure such a thing exists really" I mutter, gumming my thoughtful stares to her hands as they are linked to mine.

I do like Adrien quite a lot, more than the way I have ever felt about any guy in my life. But I wouldn't say it was love at first sight. I actually never had those; I had never been able to bond with someone on the sheer look of their face. Sometimes not even knowing them for too long would do it for me. And if you look back at it, I hated Adrien when I met him for the first time, he came off as someone arrogant, rude and bossy. The exact type of guys I despise and can't handle being near. Little did I know at that time that a mere month would show me that beneath that huge body, bulked up muscles and a lady-killer face, he is a man of honor, a justice seeker, and a bit of a softie overall.

Mara cups my chin, using one of her hands. Her still red eyes search my face for all kinds of misfortune that I might have experienced here.

"Are you really okay Sesil?" she questions with a tender look. Her question weighs more than the words used in it. She is not just casually asking about how I am feeling right now. She is asking how was my stay here, how am I managing the life I had no idea I would be living. And, On the reason why mom was carried in Adrien's hand, passed out when I came back to the packhouse. she must have concluded that our night date to make family introductions didn't go as planned.

"I honestly don't know" I answer, my eyes traveling the empty space around us as countless ideas rush through my psyche.

My mind chugs the long events list that happened after I came to the pack, readying myself to tell her all about my worries. Just like the old days, when I used to stay overnight and we would talk about all sorts of things until the sun rose.

Mara waits patiently as I finally decide to speak.

"I actually like it here. Everyone is nice to me and I appreciate that. I met such amazing people. I've encountered some deadly occurrences and kind of survived somehow but it was okay because I was the only one affected by it. Adrien is sweet, he takes care of me a lot, sometimes way too much" I chuckle when I picture all of his overprotective attitudes. He might be all bulky from the outside but he acts like a child when it comes to me.

"but" I hesitate, stumbling on my own words.

"my mom was hurt because of me, Mara. I already knew that it was dangerous here and that this is not what you would call an ordinary life but I'm only now truly feeling how dangerous it is"

"Are you having second thoughts?" she questions, tugging my long curls behind my ear. Her icy touch feels a bit ticklish.

I stay still for a moment, analyzing her question thoroughly.

Am I having second thoughts?

I don't know exactly. But I know that I don't want to have another life that would send me away from the pack.

"I think it is my damn period making me all emotional and shit. I can feel the cramps creeping in" I laugh nervously, trying to brush her straight-forwarded question. I'm too scared to even think of an answer.

"look at me Sesil" my eyes climb to meet hers "if you want out. My dad will get you out. but then if you want to stay with that piece of sh-"she pauses in the middle of her cursing, drawing a long inhale before continuing "if you want to stay with him, I can't force you to do otherwise. I just want you to be happy and fully aware of your own choices"

This serious version of her has rarely ever sneaked outside, only when it comes to her family. And she has always considered me family. Jason and I were too close to be just friends.

"I know" I whisper, the dime sobs becoming harder and harder to fight.

She pulls me into another tight hug.

"Show me the kitchen and I'll make you something yummy and tasty to enlighten your mood" she suggests, rubbing on my back and caressing my curly strands.

"And risk spending my next three days in a plain, white hospital bed "

Mara is a disaster when it comes to cooking. Jayson and I would know better, we would keep vomiting for days if we digested something that she cooked.

"You're truly an ungrateful bitch"

And, Yet, amid the tears and croaky voices, we manage to let out vibrant laughers.


My conversation with Mara took quite the time. There was a lot to catch up to and I needed to dismount that suffocating, heavy load of sentiments. Now I feel a bit refreshed and ready to face forward. Not enough to face my mom and her accusations though. I lied to her about one of the most important things in my life, deceived her, and nearly got her killed. Asking for her to forgive me is going to be way too shameless.

My steps through the corridor feel unbearably heavy and every trudge feels even more stressful.

I stand in front of the room that my mom has been placed into. I sneak a look inside of it. She is sitting calmly, having a heartwarming conversation with Laurine. My mom surprisingly conversing with her, with lips pulled upward.

I step into the room, notifying them of my presence. My mom takes a look at me, drinking my whole in her green eyes with an obnoxious expression.

"I'll leave you two to talk" Laurine notifies, making her way toward the exit and giving me an encouraging nod on her way out.

"Are you okay?" my mom asks, trying to climb out of bed. I rush to her, forbidding her from leaving her place.

"I'm fine mom. You don't have to worry" I assure her, my arms backing her up in her place and adjusting the pillows behind her back.

"Have you been crying?" her soft hands run on my face. The red pigment swimming on my cheeks and my nose must have given me up. So much for trying to lie to her. she sees right through me every time and I'm a terrible liar anyway.

"I'm sorry mom" I word out, my eyes refusing to meet hers.

Her impatient sighs mirror throughout the room and I just know that inculpatory scowls will follow next. My eyes clamber slowly to her tired-looking figure, only meeting a loving pair of leafy gapes and rosy lips curved upward.

"What are you sorry about? About dating my boss or about hiding the fact that he is not exactly what he looks like?" she jokes, pulling me to sit beside her. I climb on the edge of the bed.

"I don't know, both and other things I guess" I admit.

"Laurine told me, sweetheart," my mom informs and I jab an eyebrow at her.

"Are you two friends now?"

"She is a pleasantly nice woman" she tries to defend herself against my skepticism. My mom is not the type to make friends easily. But she is certainly right about that. Laurine is indeed easily warmed up to.

"What did she tell you?"

"This and that" she rocks her head and then smiles again, "how much you've helped them. And how much your werewolf boyfriend and his people are grateful to have you"

I know that look. That is a proud mother's look. Just like any grateful son or daughter, I've always wished for her satisfaction but I've never imagined her being proud of me for such a thing. Life is truly unpredictable.

A pleasant, calming scent invades my nostrils, my head steers instinctively toward the door, to see my mate pinned against the doorframe.

"I hope you're feeling better ma'am" he trudges inside of the room, his massive edifice overshadowing what's behind it.

"yes I'm okay now" my mom assures, offering him a short smile.

"You'll be staying with us here for now, until I get you a new house" he tilts his eyes and ties his hands behind his back. A hint of embarrassment – that he rarely shows – glides through his posture "but of course you're welcome here, if you want to stay with your daughter"

My mom keeps silent for a brief moment as we both hold our breaths, equally hungry to receive her answer.

"I don't think that life here would suit me" she says, still offering him a courteous smile.

"I've only known today that people such as yourself exist, Adrien. It will take me some time to digest the fact that you're dating my girl" he rocks his head in approval, trying his best to hide his disappointment. He might manage to hide it from her but not from the person who is linked to every ounce of him. I could clearly read his backed-up emotions that he keeps out of his wording

"But" she adds, winning both of our attention again.

"I believe in making mistakes and following your own path. My mistake gave me what I cherish more than anything after all. If she chose you then I will let her choose you"

My mate drifts in his ideas for a moment before letting his words resurface again.

"Until my heart stops beating and my lungs give out. I promise you that no harm would touch her" he promises, stealing a glance at me.

"I might've not had a mother for the longest of time but I know how a mother feels about her kids. I truly do"

My mom frees a vibrant laugh.

"I'm sure you do" she adds.


"well that was easier than expected" I say as the door clicks shut behind me. Adrien's arms lace my waist from behind. His heated lips land on my nape after he pulls my long curls to one side and I can only shiver in response. He hit a weak spot. His lips stretch widely against my skin, structuring his usual smirk.

"Well, she had to learn the hard way thought" his hot gusts crash down my exposed neck, relaxing the aches that I have in my belly. I hate period cramps. They might not be that severe for me but they are certainly annoying.

She really did learn the hard way. However, it all worked out for the best. I don't think that telling her straightway would've made it any better. At least now, she supports the whole thing, even if she is oblivious of most parts.

"Want to tell me about this scarlet girl?" I suggest, annoyed. A long sigh leaves his mouth; he tugs me closer against him. His hard-on bulges against the end of my back, setting the heat to travel my core.

"She is not an ex-girlfriend, Sesil. You need commitment if you're going to date someone and I never committed to anyone before you" he explains, his kisses trail after the back zipper of my dress as it moves down.

"A one of your many booty calls then?" I conclude, still irked. Not even his smooth movement can wash my irritated immobility.

"Kind of" his cringing rings loudly in his voice and I suddenly twirl to face him.

"Well you better keep the bitch out of your life" I warn, reaping a loud chuckle out of him

"She's long out sweetheart"

His lips land on mine, stealing the words out of them. His tongue slides inside, scouring every taste that I have to offer, while his hands are left to explore what's left.

"Adrien" I moan his name trying to get him to slow down. I would like to continue but my period is knocking on my door and I would hate for our tidy bed to become a blood bath.

His head takes shelter into the bosomy surface of my neck, kissing delicately whatever bare skin he meets on his way. He soars his hand onto my thighs, discovering what is beneath my dress. His hand slips into my panties and he suddenly halts.

Taken by surprise from his sudden pause, I glimpse at his face to see him looking down horrified. His glowing eyes previously filled with lust and desire, now haunted with fear.

I look down at what he's straddling his eyes on and I gasp. The blood crumbles to my face, making it even more feverish.

His hand is soaked with blood. My blood.

Agh. Dig me a hole I want to dive into it. So freaking embarrassing.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now