chapter 20

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Steering my wheels back to the room, I'm early enough for the one who prisoned me here to not know that I left. Gossip did not spare my journey back as it didn't spare it when I was with Katherine. I wonder what he did he do to offend them. Their hate for him can only be described as irrational. He cares about them and that is traceable enough for anyone to see.

My mouth takes a displeased curve. No one deserves to be treated with this kind of cruelty and especially by people; you're doing whatever necessary to keep safe.

Not long until he breaks through the room, deterring my deep thoughts. He moves in an absurd rush, not aiming at his next step.

"What are you doing?" I ask, my eyes dart back and forth with his confused movement. I was planning to give him a piece of mind after leaving me here locked and alone, but seeing how distracted he is right now. I have given up that idea. I got out anyway, so no actual harm was done.

Keeping track with his huge form as it moves from a nook to another, I fold my legs on the bed and wait for him to give me a portion of his already taken attention. He sure doesn't have the luxury of resting and lazing around. He arrived just now and it seems that he will need to leave again.

"What do you think? I have a meeting with an important person, so I need to take a quick shower before he comes" he explains, not bothering to throw a look at my face. He ruffles through the closet, picking a more fitting outfit for his upcoming meeting.

My notoriety on him augments a degree when he removes his t-shirt, exposing his perfectly sculpted chest. Climbing my eyes down to a more attention-worthy place. My unashamed stares reach him as he freezes in his place and rolls over to face me.

"See something you like?" His calm voice snatches me out of my daze. I rip my eyes from where I was staring a hole and lift them to meet his proud grin. I suppose he doesn't need someone to tell him how devilishly attractive both his face and his body are.

"Is that a tattoo?" composing the remaining scraps of my shattered concentration, I undo my folded legs and jump out of bed. I stand in front of him and practice no distance between us as I start caressing his ripped abdomen. His ribs still under my touch as I run it free on them, discovering the black inked shape that dominated the whole area. His side ribs are governed with a big, black, crouching wolf tattoo with shining, golden eyes. The wolf is taking a howling position. By stroking his skin, a little bit more, I make sure of what I initially assumed, even within a distance.

"careful with what you're doing there princess" he warns, friskily, Glancing down at me with his usual, smug peeks.

"Is this your wolf?" Keeping my eyes on the professionally well-done tattoo, I ask, vivaciously. I've never seen his wolf before. The only time in which he transformed with me in his company, I wasn't even conscious of what was happening around me, totally heedless that a giant wolf was carrying me back to his pack.

"It's my mom's actually, mine would need more space. I had it when I was still young" he elaborates, seeming absent minded.

"What happened?" I blur out after hesitating more than enough.

My irrelevant question takes him off guard and he stares at me with a frank obliviousness.

"What do you mean?" he finely implores after having all of his attempts to unpuzzle my query fail.

"The burn scar, the one you're trying to cover with this tattoo"

Realization hits him hard enough for his face to need a certain duration to flatten out the shock.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now