chapter 68

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Why is it that I can't seem to tell my mom any good news every time I see her as of lately?

Sitting in the front passenger seat with Adrien right beside me, my eyes are set on the city flying past us at a blurring speed while my fingers are stroking the metallic texture of the ring hugging around my finger. The ring couldn't be more accustomed to my taste even though Adrien was the one who solely chose it. Being formerly unwilling to strap any soon-commitments has forbidden me from fantasizing about things like engagement rings and wedding dresses. However, the little roll jailing my finger around it is pleasantly simple although I'm sure its price is not cheap at all. A white gold diamond set with all its displayable glory. The big center stone is not the only diamond that the ring contains but it is the biggest, two rows of accent stones run along the far end of its shoulders on both sides in a beautiful formation of rose petals.

I'm not sure my mom will take it as anything of a beautiful sort though. The ring will be the surprise that she'll be able to tell on her own, the pregnancy, however, will have to be laid down on the table by both of us.

Oh lord, it is going to be a massacre.

Upon returning to the blood pack, it is fair to say that we found nothing but a mess. Adrien had to spend countless sleepless nights, trying to keep up with what he missed in his absence. Apparently staying out for a month wasn't planned at all. He would only creep into my bed at night to keep the bad dreams away from me. That rogue's horrendous attempt is still nesting inside of my mind, but my mate's method has proven a considerable success. His nearness brings the kind of peacefulness a person can only crave.

Scarlet is a matter that Adrien has not been open about. I have asked him quite a number of times but each time he only answered with an I-took-care-of-her sentence and dismissed the topic. And I know better than to question him further, beyond a line that he would not allow himself to cross.

That woman – despite the relationship that gathered them before I happened – was his responsibility and an oath he took, thus I understand what he might be feeling every time he thinks about her betrayal and what I'm sure of being a cruel resolve that he had to take.

Little, sweet Ava has been sheltered in the blood pack. Adrien said it was the least he could do to express his gratitude since she was the person who led Belle where I was, where that rogue had taken me. Although nothing will ever be sufficient to cover up for the tragedy that struck her brother, she is slowly adjusting to finally having a home.

Mara had her dad screaming every two seconds about how she left the city without letting him know. But oh boy, he was more furious as soon as he knew where she had gone during the month of her trip. It did not serve her case of telling him about jay. It took some time to calm him down. My begging had played quite the role in that.

My mom on the other side had been sitting on thorns since the day I had been kidnapped, even though she wasn't allowed to know that I was kidnapped. She had been uncomfortable since the day I left New York City. She knew that something was coming for me and I was as stupid as ever not to. Adrien had to tell her that I was sick during the days I was gone. He had barely convinced her that there was no need for her to fly to San Diego to check out on me, to check out on a daughter she wasn't going to find. It took all of his persuasive ways to convince her otherwise. A week after we are back in the city, we have to finally go meet her before she comes tearing the packhouse on our heads. I've missed my mom but I'm not exactly thrilled for her reaction when she knows that not only I'm getting married in the next three months but I'm also 5 weeks pregnant.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now