Chapter 30

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This was one of the nights that I would never dare to forget . Even though I think I've gone too hard on her, considering that this was her first time and all.

I caress her dreamy countenance, her cheeks are still glistening zeal. All mine.

I pick a piece of soft tissue and wet it with warm water to lightly scrub her sweaty skin.
She will surely feel uncomfortable if she sleeps in this condition. And since I can't bathe her fearing that she will wake up, wiping her skin seems to be a good alternative.

My hands fall on her delicate, caramelized crust as she flinches back, reacting to my touch. Carless hums elude her mouth as she squeezes her eyes tightly in a repetitive gesture. She looks and feels troubled in her dreams.

I pull a short towel and cover my bearness as I head toward the shower. Every last of her emotions that scurried through her being in the last few days are dimming my eyesight. I've always heard of the real mate bond that unites every couple of mates once the mating process is done with, but never, not even for once, imagined it to be this confounding.

Somehow, it feels as if I took refuge in her eyes when she experienced being responsible for the whole pack while I was away doing my end of the deal. Her undying loyalty toward people she never personally knew. A couple of hundreds of women and kids who seemed for her as a must-protect family that she couldn't leave behind.

A strong sense of patriotism and duty that only a capable luna is graced with.

I twist the faucet on. Quick Drops of water fall on my head, soothing the flood of ideas that scurries around my skull. I just know that a severe headache is on the upswing.

As soon as I exit the bathroom, I head toward the dresser and put my usual stay-in-home clothes on, rubbing my wet hair with a towel in the process.

My nostrils can only pick my scent roaming freely in the room, hovering particularly on Sesil's body. Her scent is totally masked with mine.
my lips twitch and a proud smug is impossible for me to hold back.
I've always been much more sensitive to scents than others. Alphas are already distinguished when it comes to their senses, but only those who are lucky enough are blessed with supper functions that exceed all others.

I pick a simple wooden chair and settle my surprisingly tired body in a backward position on it.
"Stephan" I whisper, mind linking him.

" yes alpha" he heeds my call instantly.

"Report" I order shortly. With all the mess that happened lately. I have to know the general circumstances. Crazy loads of work must be waiting for me once I leave this room. I peek a look at sesil as she makes a cute cacophony, flipping herself to the other side. At least one of them was much more enjoyable to do.

"Most of the rogues were taken care of, some accidentally fled but they were chased off and We're still waiting to hear about that" he reports through the mind link, his voice cracked up. Looks like I'm the only one who got to rest.

"And our men?" I ask, settling my arm on the top rail while my hand is clutching on my chin and backing up my cranium.

"Well, some are injured. Some are even on the verge of death. Laurine and some of her juniors are doing their best but there are no guarantees" he fails in stopping a shudder from hurling out of his mouth with the uneasiness of the last part.
Losses were expected from the very start. When war commences there is no escaping this fact. Happy ever-ending had never meant no casualties.

"Katherine and Belle?" I ask, finally letting a long sigh of frustration break its way out.
As far as I knew once I arrived at the scene. Belle was already injured and Katharine was giving birth.

"Katherine is fine" Stephan reports cheerfully "She and her little girl" Looks like we're welcoming a new member in the pack. And a healthy she-wolf at that.
"Belle is fine as well. Took us some time to remove the wolfsbane but she's okay now"

I exhale again, this time in ultimate relief. Leaving her alone was a hazardous action to make, knowing that she's a rare she-wolf from the one and only silver moon pack. One of the biggest and most influential packs in the world. The one which can compete with my own in its antique and culture. Especially that she's a royal that the pack's system did not accept. A loophole just like me.

But as I thought. She really was the best choice when it comes to sesil's immunity.

"I understand, good job Stephan" I praise him before cutting the mind link.

Turning my attention to a newly woken up angel. Sesil rubs her eyes lazily, her messy movements compelle the veils to fall off her body, exposing her collarbone and what's beyond.Captivating is the only word that could weigh her value. Extremely captivating that I want to hide her far away. Far enough to not be reached by anyone but me.
"You can sleep some more" I instruct, leaving the uncomfortable chair and striding toward the bed.

"You up?" her yawning voice dig into my ears. A sound close to being a lullaby melody. Her hands are holding parts of the blankets in fear that they would fall, exposing what I've already seen.

"Yes, gorgeous I'm up" I respond, throwing myself on the left side of the bed - the empty side. Landing my palm on her forehead tenderly, I check out if she's suffering from any fever. I sigh relieved, she's not burning up. yet it is easy to tell that she's but she's agonizing from a severe headache for sure. Her irises are twitching in their rifts and wrinkles are goring into her flawless skin.

"How does it feel to have ideas of others invading your mind" I question humouredly.

"Feels like I've been run over by a truck" she whines in pain, backing off strands of her lanky, twirly hair.

"You'll feel better soon" I assure her knowing exactly how it feels to have hundreds of people talking inside of your head. After all, I was born able to mind link other wolves but I merely took every last member of the pack's emotions when I was certified of being their alpha.

My hand reaches the gnarled back of her neck and she flutters in response. Untying her head from her hands, she jabs her eyes higher to see the reason behind my motion. I take initiative to kiss her forehead and lay my own on hers. She needs my support more than anything.

"Alpha" Stephen dubs through the mind link., interrupting the relaxing moment that we are having.
I sigh exasperated, distancing myself from sesil.

"Yea Stephan?" I concede, hoping that the reason is important enough for him to disturb me at such an instant.

"You'll need to come here alpha Adrien" he instructs firmly, indulging as much seriousness as needed to make concern slip through my sanity.

"What is it?" I question, immediately picking my body up. Ready to leave the room if it is an urgent matter as I expected it to be.
After all, Stephan isn't the person to exaggerate under no occurrence.

"There is an unexpected guest you need to meet" he reports again through the mind link.

A guest?
Everyone in the werewolves community knows the situation that my pack is drowning in. As a result, and fortunately for me, no one has enough balls to step their reckless legs - or paws in my land. So hearing that I have a guest and on a time like this at that, is quite hard to believe.

"I'm on my way" I respond, turning to sesil. My body instinctively kneels to kiss her on her cheek.

"I'll send someone to look after you" I tilt myself even more, trying to cop as much as I can of intimacy from the only being that relaxes my endless bothers.
"I've some work I have to tend to" I inform apologetically. leaving her first thing in the morning after she woke up isn't exactly the noble move to do.

She nods cheerfully, her face full of brightness but still glistening reminders of her headache.

Leaving the room behind me and heading toward the elevator, I descend to the guest hall -where I usually welcome the rarest of guests that I scarcely perceive.

With the elevator's door snarling wide open, my irises move confused. There is no one here to be seen. And no signs that someone was waiting here either.

My ears pick hurling steps that I recognize like the back of my hands. Stephan's

I turn around knowing which side he's coming from. My gazes greet his pale, sweaty face. He looks as if he met a ghost on his way here.

"She's not here alpha" he whispers wearily, his bottom lip is curling in fandom motions.

A she?
So my visitor is a woman?

"And where is she?" I ask irritatedly, my impatience is getting the very best of me.

" in your office" he answers in a low voice, shrinking on himself.

The same office that I left behind me while leaving my floor?

I roll my feet the other way, preparing to steer toward the place I originally came from. Stephan is following behind me, Keeping a certain distance between us.

My irritation mixed with curiosity sets me to accelerate even faster. A woman comes to my land that most werewolves no matter their statues avoid. Stephan seems traumatized from merely seeing her. The man who can take womanizing with the soft gender as a career and probably hit success. And as if that isn't sufficient, she leads herself straight to my office.

Well, whoever she is. She is no regular guest.

I stand in front of my office's closed door. A strong aura - that only an alpha can wield wherever they go - is bypassing beyond the stiff barrier that is isolating us.

I swirl the door's knob, swinging the entrance open.

A tall model figure stands at the end of the room.,pleasantly peeking outside of the packhouse from the big glassy wall.
A long brightening blond hair dancing with the fluffy breeze that escapes the cracks of the glass. Blue eyes that cannot be mistaken.

"Well well, for what reason do I owe this unusual visit?" I state, my hands taking hideout in my pockets in a careless stir. However, my entire body is on high alert.

She finally swirls her head around, taking my whole in her sapphire blue frame.

"Alpha Vivian" I breathe out.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now