chapter 32

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My head refuses to settle down on one thought. Large numbers of voices travel my sanity as I struggle to concentrate on my own.
The ache is painful enough for me to regret my earlier decision of letting Adrien leave. I can't help but wish for him to cancel his early morning mission and crown me as his sole concern for now. His existence five minutes ago somehow made it bearable.Once our skins detached from each other and I could no longer feel his familiar touch, my headache returned, stuffing the emptiness that he left behind.

A familiar, bright face steals my attention while I'm busy shoving my long curls that keep forcing their existence in front of my view. I look up to make sure of my suspicions about the intruder, leaving my hand to slip on the edge of the bedside. Her image -that my shattered concentration claims to be a girl with flattering lustrous hair - slips through my pupils as I'm falling down.
Preparing myself to crash with the ground, my eyes shut themselves, wildly foreseeing the level of pain. Surprisingly enough, my body doesn't reach the ground nor experience a clumsy declining occurrence.

I open my eyes gradually, feeling a warm embrace taking my shrunken whole with a non-conservative position. Whomever this person is, I'm assuming that we have quite an intimate relationship -Considering that the bed covers are the only thing coating my barrenness- It is either that or the fact that she didn't bother thinking of how to catch me as much as she intensely thought that she has to catch me no matter what.

Her pale figure becomes less and less pixelated as I urge my drained gaps wide open.

"Belle '' I whisper slowly before I jolt all over. A sourceless enthusiasm pushes my branches to grip her back. The happiness I felt once I saw her face overwhelms me deeply, deep enough to make my eyes water.

I can't deny that I was extremely concerned about everyone when I took Adrien by the hand and dragged him away from the front yard. My eyes kept following every bit of the events as I left everything behind, seeking to clarify what I urged myself to clarify. But Belle was the one whom I was worried about the most. Her fainting body, her fragile limbs sticking to the dusty ground with not much as the slightest movement frightened me. It made me sure of one thing about myself that I was ignorant about. The fact that I can handle a lot but losing someone I care about, is surely not to be included in that list.

"Easy guurl" she commands softly, supporting my weight.
I untangle my head from her shoulder to get a clearer image of her face. A wide smile is taking over the corners of her soft, rosy lips. She seems as happy as I'm. However, even her energetic grimace did not succeed in overshadowing the dark circles embracing her under eyes and the band-aids located on her cheekbone and the right side of her chin.
Dull scratches she probably got when she fell on the ground. Faint but still visible, as marks she reaped trying to shield me, to cover up for my weakness.
I drop my eyes in a shameful stance. I feel sorry. I feel responsible.

"I'm so-" she covers my borders in a hasty move. I look up to withstand a blameful expression on her front, her eyebrows tied up in slight resentment.

"I'm a creature that can shapeshift into a giant wolf and battle an army sweetheart. It will take much more than fainting on the ground and some hardly noticeable scratches to take me down" she states in a nonchalant tone. As if she's merely stating facts.
"I mean they did poison me but luckily I'm of royal lineage. So I have a strong venom resistance"

"Common luna let's get you out of this room. Otherwise, the voices in your mind will drive you mad" she urges, assisting me in positioning my body in the center of the bed and striding right after toward my dresser.

"How do you kno-" my clueless tone trails off as I submerge in my deep thoughts. How exactly does she know about my headache? I don't think I spoke about anything related to it. Only a few moments later that I realize that she perhaps -more like surely, if I have to admit It to myself- knows about my steamy record of last night. My face heats up.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now