chapter 56

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It has been two weeks.

Two weeks since that disastrous event of a party happened. In which my boyfriend's brother broke into it and claimed that he came for me. Two weeks since the day our visit to the steel moon pack had been decided to get extended to an uncalled duration.

Until we solve this disaster, no one is leaving this pack. Vivian had clarified that only a couple of hundreds of times.

Now, all guests are trapped here, far away from their homes. The fact that Grayson and his troops slipped into the place without being noticed at all is strongly suggesting that he had aid. From-the-inside kind of aid. He would have not achieved this mission without someone to assist him from the inside. Therefore, every guest is convicted of this very crime.

No one here likes being detained and forbidden from their right to leave to wherever they want to go, and the identity of who Vivian is currently detaining – being every alpha in the world – is not making her work any easier.

We're not much pleased with how things are playing out either. Adrien needs to go back to his pack as soon as he can and my phone and Mara's hadn't shut down from a week ago. My mom hadn't spared me questions that I can't answer. She only seemed to grow more stressed out with a counting day. The last time I spoke to her, she said that she feels horrible about me. as if something bad is going to happen to me. little did she know that the bad thing had already happened.

I trap my feet into home slippers and exit the room. I've been staying on my own in it anyway and a room this big can only make you feel as lonely as you are, maybe even more. Adrien hasn't been able to get his ass down since the day he reunited with his half-brother. He hasn't slept much either and he is beginning to transmit his severe anxiety to me. Not that I need it anyway. I woke up this morning in a poorer condition than yesterday and the day before it. As if having a headache all night long isn't enough, now I'm feeling like puking my heart out.

We're drifting apart just as fast as we have bonded and I don't know what to do about it. I couldn't even get a word in with him for the last three weeks and it is starting to get on my nerves.

Footing into the corridor, I place my palm against the wall and try to stabilize myself.

Jesus, I feel like I'm burning up and the ground isn't having it in its plans to steady beneath me today. I might be running a fever, the kind that would knock you down on your feet.

Weird, I'm not the kind to get regularly sick.

Seizing a cautious step into the long, marbled passageway, stifled whispers reach my ears.

Jay and Stephen had left to meet with Adrian half an hour ago. And Belle is in only God knows where in the pack. Mara is sleeping again. Since the incident, she has been sleeping most of her time. She says it is speeding things up for her since she wants to go back to NYC as soon as possible. That night had traumatized her and I don't see why it wouldn't. One late reflex from Adrian and we would have been all dead.

Which supposedly leaves only Mara and me on this floor. Paranoia becomes you when you barely escape death multiple times in the last two months of your life. Mara is already snoring in the room beside mine and I'm sure I'm not the person who is propelling low quakes within the air. If this isn't supposed to freak me out, then I don't know what is supposed to do so.

Meandering after the murmurs, I end up facing a door. Scarlet's room.

Scarlet is here?

Isn't she supposed to be long gone with Jay and Stephan? I know that's what Jay said when he let me know that they are meeting up with Adrien for an urgent meeting that Vivian had strapped up again. That, and his request of keeping an eye on Mara.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now