chapter 22

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My trotting strides fly their way down the stairs. Jays' whispered yells still follows me from behind. He struggles to get me to stop without snatching me away from my destination.

"Luna, please wait!" he pleads as he finally makes his move to grab my arm. Unfortunately for him, his attempt is two seconds late. I'm already launched into the hall, staring at three standing men.

I knew how to reach the guest hall easily without a faint possibility of losing my way in the process, since this place itself had been put on the list of my favorite places in the pack house alongside the mini-library that Adrien has in his office. Practically, places in which I can read in absolute peace. Not that peace is even an option when you're detained, playing house with a werewolf.

Once I step forward in the guest hall, the three - clothed in their duty suits - men cut their group chatting and roll over to investigate who's the intruder. Right in the group's center stands a mid-forties man staring at me as if I am the last person he thought he would meet in this place. His appalled face stands out the most amongst the three of them, as he becomes the main object of the light that the gigantic crystal-looking lamp dangles on the entire room from above our heads.

He steps forward, leaving his colleagues behind. his arms alter a large embrace in which I push myself into with no second thought. His lips mutter softly my name "Sesil, dear why are you here?" he asks, pulling scarcely away from me to check out my face.

"uncle Chris I missed you" I smile vastly, shutting my eyes and acting like the child I've always become in front of him. And also dodging his direct, predicable qualm since I don't know yet how to answer it without freaking him out.

"me too dear, it's been quite the time since I saw you" he answers, bestowing soft brushes against my cheek. Soon enough, his head steers toward the man that was following behind me. Spotting jay, he lets his expression changes from fatherly warm to killing glares.

"Why did you bring her here?" he boosts toward jay, drastically leaving me behind "you're kidnaping humans now? I swear to god, my patience is reaching its limits if I knew that you're harming humans in any way, that alpha of yours will be behind the bars" his tone is harsh enough to make you think that he's talking to a criminal.

Jay on the other hand, takes the offence to heart when he permits the brown color to take the lead in his infuriated eyes. Uncle Chris steps back, landing his hand on his hidden gun. The other two men follow his cautious lead.

Suddenly, I'm washed over by the urge of doing something. Otherwise, this place will be changing identity from my peaceful, reading nook, to a bloodbath.

I stand between the two angry men, parting my hands to prevent them from getting closer to each other. Their current proximity is already lethal.

"jay!" I call, looking at jay with a begging manifestation. Hopping he will understand despite his agitated condition.

he steps back hesitantly. His arms settle crossed over his chest and his face is all but satisfied.

"Uncle Chris, I can explain" I place my palms on his chest to push him away from jay. luckily, He harmonizes his movement with my request. however not for too long, at least until he spots traces of my mark. His eyes go wide and he only mumbles one word, shakily. "Luna?"

He spans his arm, revealing my collar bone and seeking to make sure of what he speculated. His face takes a horrified turn. I don't think that standing between them is going to be sufficient to stop them from tearing each other apart.

I have to speak for myself to solve this misunderstanding this time once and for all, before it's too late. "it was consensual, uncle Chris" I lie, faking an uneasy smile to comfort his tensed figure. It is true that biting my neck wasn't my choice neither being the Luna, but I'm no longer held in this place against my will, I'm here because I want to be here.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now