chapter 61

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Saying that I'm losing my mind would be an understatement.

The woman I care about the most had been taken from under my grasp, pregnant with my child while I only stood like an idiot as far away from her when she was taken.

The last two days had been literal hell, only now realizing that the three weeks that I refused to spend with her are turning out to maybe, being the last I've been given with her.

We scanned the territory and any possible ones nearby but we found nothing. The guys spent these two days restlessly searching about something we will not find. She is gone and I can't tell where she is. I can't feel her and it is driving me crazy. I can't even tell if she's still breathing or... goddess no.

They must've given her something. The mate bond can't just go loose all of a sudden, especially not with her being marked.

Standing at one of the balconies in the packhouse – the closest to ground level – I can only feel how incapable I was of keeping her safe. Of keeping her and my child safe, of keeping my family safe. I'm going to lose my home again, and just like it had ever been since the day I was born, I'm destined to only watch it and not do anything to prevent it from happening.

Sesil's mom had been calling non-stop during the last two days. I had to come up with whatever excuse to relieve her knowing motherly senses. I'm barely keeping her from taking the next plane and flying to San Diego to check on a daughter, she knows is not alright.

I had failed my duty of keeping my mate safe and I'm pretty sure she has picked up on that no matter how much I try convincing her otherwise.

"Alpha" looking over the few stairs that pour into the ground floor, Belle storms in, all sweaty and with a messy cloak hurled on her body.

I heed the call to find that this time she is not going in alone. Vivian is by the same rushed pace, strolling into her packhouse.

Vivian had been absent from the pack since the day Sesil was taken. No one of us knows for what reason. All we know is that she abruptly assigned Lucian as her replacement and walked out with Jacob, Emerly, and two other guys. Which is borderline odd, she is all but irresponsible, and leaving her pack's matters isn't anything she takes lightly. Not to forget that her pack's condition is edgier than ever, with a breaking attempt that had gone perfectly successful and every alpha in the world still detained against their will inside of it, leaving the pack at a time like this is not a decision she would be positive to take.

Vivian is no less sweaty nor messier than Belle. She glances up, stabbing her glares at me.

Two seconds after, the sound of craggy breathing and severe toiling reverberate inside of the glass-coated place. Looking at the entrance, Jacob and Emerly are dragging the one person I less suspected would betray me. The last person I thought I would stand motionless while she is being dealt with like an animal.

Scarlet had always been a person that I've been entrusted with. Her situation, her loneliness, had been the bitter fruit of her father's sacrifice. I've sworn to see to the rest of her life until the day I would be gone. She is my responsibility and that's how I've always looked at her.

Running my eyes from her bare feet and across the length of her bruised body, only covered with a long messy robe, I can only see the girl who took my family. Who stole the reason for my happiness and gave it to the one who can destroy it.

Vivian scrambles her hands to her forehead. She wipes out the sweatiness sticking to her pale skin and throws her long, lustrous hair backward.

"I've been tailing her since the day your Luna broke into the office and made a scene" she looks up at me again, with the same resentful, accusing glares that many had been generous in giving me "your Luna was trying to tell us that she's the traitor, Adrien"

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now