Chapter 50

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We're flying to San Diego first thing tomorrow morning.

That was all I heard from Adrien before having him vanish to god knows where for the whole day. Besides packing what I need with the girls and waiting for him to come back from wherever he has gone to.

"Common girls, we're flying across the country in an hour, y'all need to hurry" Vivian is no less annoying this morning as she hammers against all of our doors, urging us to ready ourselves for the long ride.

"Especially you little Luna. I gotta at least educate you about certain things, so get your ass on one of the cars" she lets herself inside of my room and Gives my best friend and me a checking look.

"How are your bodies? I hope there aren't any visible marks on you two. At least not in places where I can see them" she warns playfully. Her arms crossed over her chest as she keeps a careful eye on our gestures.

"I'm fine" Mara answers, failing to bite down a big smile. She must have had a good time.

Vivian drives her head to me next.

"I'm almost all healed" I answer with a sigh.

If Adrien didn't screw everything with his stupid nagging the very morning after, I would have been happy about the sight of those bites on my skin. Every bite he took on my crust had hurt the shit out of me, but I only took it as cues of how needy he is toward me. Obviously, he took it the complete opposite way. And now that he left the pack for the whole day of yesterday, it feels like he's avoiding me.

Great way of working things between us, perfectly effective.

He even confessed to me yesterday, an epic one if you ask me. A one that I wouldn't be able to forget even if I tried to. However, he stole whatever happiness I would have harnessed from that too.

At least his wolf is straight out honest about what he wants.

"Give me that Luna" Stephan orders, taking my bag out of my hand and sending me an encouraging wink. He loads the bags in one swiftly move into the car's trunk. I guess anyone would be able to tell that I'm feeling down and therefore it has something to do with Adrien and the bloody moon's night.

I climb in with Stephan and Belle while Mara goes with Jay and Scarlet. Leaving Vivian and Jacob to leave on their own. Poor Jay and Mara for being stuck with scarlet. And speaking of her, I can tell that she hasn't dropped her desperate pursuit for my man, if anything she is even more resentful now that I screwed up her plan of getting the alpha. I'm dealing with so much shit that I can't even handle thinking about her.

"So are we gonna line up to get our tickets like a normal group going for an extended vacation? do we even know the plane's time departure?" I say boringly, trying to break the silence inside of the car and hopefully get rid of whatever bitter ideas toured my mind and Belle's.

Belle keeps silent, peeking outside of the car from her back seat. I'm sure that she hates the idea of going to San Diego as much as I hate the irritating redhead and how she is making my toxic boyfriend more freaking toxic.

Stephan smirks a bit, his arms flex as he sets them between himself and the wheel. He is so well dressed that his almost permanent, good mood makes him the most pleasant person to look at.

"We don't need that. We have a private jet. Well, the alpha has it" he informs, adjusting the collar of his sky blue shirt.

"Of course he does," I only comment as casually as I can. But the bit of resentment and disappointment that slips away with my words do not go unnoticed by both of them. They give each other a knowing look through the mirror and keep shut about it. A wise choice. Stephan now knows that pushing my buttons will do nothing of good.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now