chapiter 23

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I run my eyes around, the smile hasn't left my brims this morning. The air is vibrant and quite comedic. Just us, a group of girls - including myself, Belle, Katherine, and her best friend that I've had the chance of meeting today, Alexandra - Having a delightful chat over breakfast. It has been quite the time since I've enjoyed a peaceful morning such as this one. Moreover, I think my relationship with Adrien is finally hitting a clean page. Somehow, now, I can see myself with him in a less weary kind of future.

He was dead asleep when I left the room half an hour ago. He didn't even wake up after all the loud rustle and the noise I'd made before clearing the room. He must be having a good nap, for which I'm truly grateful. He deserves that very piece of mind that he is rarely given.

Loud stomps echo from the outside. Our loud laughter trail off for moments. I reach for the vestibule, leaving the rest of my group squatting at the kitchen, round table. My eyes snap open, amazed as soon as I pick the enormous numbers fleeing the corridor, straight toward the exit. Their serious faces are of those heading toward a deadly battle. Adrien comes at the very last of the running rows, his arms swinging to get him inside of his jacket. He soon stands in front of me, lowering his glances to meet mine.

"Where are you going?" leaning against the wall, I cross my arms and ask doubtfully. Why would they make such a mess first thing in the morning?

"Hunting babe!" a vicious smirk plays on his lips. He looks excited to go hunting. What are they hunting though?

"I'll be gone for some time, also every man in the pack will be leaving with me so the pack grounds will be defenseless for a short period" he details, shortly, settling his hand above my shoulder and leaning on my body. His hot breaths hit my face as he keeps staring deeply into my eyes. He prints a swoon kiss on my lips before he leans further and whispers right against my ear. "take care of yourself until I arrive"

And just like that, he doesn't add anything as he rolls over and leaves. My eyes track him as he's taking off. I can help but feel that something seems fishy. Something is out of its place but I oddly can't put my finger on it.

I brush the wary inkling out of my mind as I keep watch on the guys as they start running into the woods. The trees start swallowing them one by one until the last of their hundreds.

"Luna?" Katherine's voice reaches my ear, plucking me out of my thoughts. I roll over and face her, loosening my crossed arms and faking an uneasy smile.

"Is something the matter?" Belle implores, charily. She's a sharp girl. It is never easy to hide your inner thoughts away from her keen instincts.

"no, nothing" I join them back again, squatting at my previous seat.

It must be my wary instincts playing tricks on me. I haven't been able to relax since the day I had been attacked by Demon.

Our peaceful morning does not last for another completed hour. Hysteric shouts of horror echo inside the packhouse. Belle and I pick ourselves up, hurrying downstairs to inspect the source of this mess

They're coming

A woman screams, frenzied. Her face displays the most ominous aura I have ever seen.

Horrifyingly, even more, she isn't the only one crying in atrocity. In fact, she is just one in a multitude of unions in the main hall.

"What's happening?" Belle asks, running her eyes on the parted crowds. Her brows can't help but take a lunging climb. She is confused, we all are.

"I don't know"

The drumming of my heart plumbs in my throat. I advance toward the exit, hoping not to see what I feared since the moment Adrien stepped out of this house. However, my eyes meet their extreme disappointment when I spot a multitude of men that surely don't look friendly at all. The group is remarkably large that it does not fit inside of my small view bracket, some of them are clothed but others are not. Their faces are blurred, yet not enough for me to mistake them for nothing but trouble.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now