chapter 7

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Katherine's worried face as she rushes toward me is the first thing I see once I come back from my little trip into the pack's grounds.

"alpha I'm so sorry I left for few minutes to get her something and ..." Katherine blurs out, struggling to pick the right words.

"relax Katherine, what happened?" I span my hand and grasp her shoulder.

"the Luna, she left her room" She says, hoarsely.

I exert a long, frustrated sigh. I knew that she was going to be trying for an escape, but not quite this soon.

"I checked alongside with some men, but she is nowhere to be found" She states, both apologetically and fearfully, she fails in stopping her hand as it scrambles on the top of her inflated abdomen. She is scared of me. Most people are.

My wolf wafts on the surface as he heeds that our mate is no longer by a place in which we can watch over her. I push him back inside.

"it is fine Katherine, it is not your fault, you can leave"

She nodes carefully before leaving.

My pack members are still taking their extreme caution when it comes to dealing with me, but no one of them is even partially to blame. I would have done the same if I was put in their shoes, most of them must be thinking that I'm another younger version of my father. And the last thing I would want to do is prove their doubts right.

As for Sesil, I should've never left her alone unguarded. I, as always underestimated her.

Jay and Stephan come speedily after they hear the breaking new.

"should we send men after her to bring her back?" jay questions, feeling partially responsible since he is the one responsible for the pack's security.

"alpha Adrien?!" he calls in worry a second time, after I keep quiet for a while.

"no, send men after her to make sure she's fine, the woods aren't safe for the moment, just make sure she's okay" I instruct. I rub my forehead and place my hand on my hip.

Jay and Stephan's turmoil of my weird answer shows on their faces as they look at each other and back at me.


"you mean we should leave her go home? "Stephan questions again, making sure of what he thinks a deceitful trick that his ears are playing on him.

"yea, make sure she makes it home and put some guys to guard her just in case, no one out of my pack is aware that she's my mate so she's safe for now" I lead my way inside of the pack house as they follow me right behind "Laurine said that I should take it slow between us to Strengthen the bond, so that is exactly what I'm going to do, but before that, I should take care of other matters, Damon's attack that day created an extra excuse for Chris to annoy me even more " I let my legs lead me right to my office. I launch myself into the elevator as they nod in approval and dismiss themselves.

The second floor is an exclusive one that I, only have the right of going in and out of it freely. It is the floor that contains my room, where that ridiculously attractive human woman was held in. her sweet scent still clings to every brush of air that flows against my skin.

I reach my office, open the door to let myself in and close it shut as I entirely fade out of the wide corridor. I've a lot on my plate and not nearly enough time to deal with that little trouble alone.


My mom's knocks tickle my ears, forcing my eyes wide open. I entirely blacked out after I came back yesterday. I was drained out, both from energy and thoughts. If it wasn't all too realistic, I would have thought it is was marely a crazy dream. But that giant wolf's teeth still haunt my leg even with no trace to prove it.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now