chapter 6

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Jay freezes his hand on the top of my shoulder. Grappling to make a certain sense of my shocking claim, he looks at me, completely bewildered.

"but she's human" he almost cries out. the respect that he has buried along with every muscle of his body forces him to control his tone. "are you sure that marking her is the best choice? you don't even know if she can survive that! not to forget that if you did it, you're openly stating that she's your weakness, a perfect, fragile target for your enemies. And if there is anything you're not short on right now alpha, that would be enemies"

He is not wrong in what he's saying. No one would dare say otherwise, not even me. I indeed want her safe, but I want her by my side even more.

My hands scramble up to my face, rubbing it in ultimate frustration. I can't help taking the most stupid and unreasonable decisions when it comes to her.

"if I don't do that, she's not going to stop trying to escape, she's stubborn!" another trait of her that she has given away when I talked with her last time.

"there is no way I could convince her to stay, and I don't have the time to chase after her every time she flees. Marking her is my best shot to make her set her ass down and behave!" my hands run through my hair.

I don't like the idea of forcing her to stay, I want her to be happy here, and I'm sure she won't be if I keep her in a cage. And I'm fully aware that marking her is not the best decision to make, but it is all I have to keep her tied to me.


Laying on the king size bed and not doing anything have been my all time current activity for only god knows how many hours I have spent since I have woken up. I asked them multiple times to open the damn door and let me out, but apparently the alpha's orders are contradicting that. Well maybe, the alpha needs to seriously reconsider dropping his job as an alpha and go for a full time kidnapper instead. Because he and all of his damn accomplices are doing a great job at that.

At least, I am capable of moving my leg a little bit, however I can't say anything about the pain that accompanies that.

I hear small steps click against the ground from the outside, toward the room that I'm howled inside. A young girl swings the door gently open and peeks a small look at me before tearing it away from me and locking it on the ground. Something is telling me that her blameworthy act is nothing related to not calling the cops on the hot smoking guy who is keeping me here against my will.

Sticking to her awkwardly uncomfortable silence, she advances slowly toward me and takes my injured leg in her hand. She begins unwrapping my old bandage and initiating what I reckon to be changing the bloodied bandage with a new, disinfected one.

Wow, at least I'm offered health care.

As soon as she uncovers my wounds, my heart winces and I'm already breaking the silence with my horrified screams.

"My god, my leg literally got chewed by that guy"

"don't worry Luna" her small voice finally joins me in making this dead room more lively.

"you are lucky there is no fracture, and the alpha probably licked your wounds, so hopefully you're going to heal faster and the traces will be gone in no time" the girl smiles at me but I struggle to smile back as nothing anyone says in this place makes a damn sense. Everyone is a nutjob.

"he did WHATTT?" I almost scare her by my sudden scream as she halts her working hands and outlines an appalled look on her young complexion.

"okay" I sigh. "first of all, that's gross, and second of all, I don't remember giving permission for such a thing"

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now