chapter 37

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I gawk at an angry alpha as he vacates his place on the couch and strides quickly toward the nearest window. His head moves carefully from one side to the other, actively searching for something that I hope is anything but giant wolves taking strolls around our residential complex.

I stare at him, flabbergasted. My mom struggles to find the right words to ask the whys. The why her in-law to-be is inspecting the outside that should be safe with a distressed expression on his tanned complexion. And the why of the startling noise that we heard minutes ago.

"Sesil" Adrien calls. Looking at him, I lock my eyes with his phone flying to my near location.

"Call Chris" he commands as soon as he sees the phone safely disembarking on my hand.

"And put him on speaker" he adds, his accent sharper than usual. And if that is supposed to prove anything, that would only be the deadly seriousness of the situation.

I do as I am told, ignoring the silently freaked-out mom sitting beside me. This is not the time for a hot debate on the probability of the existence of mythical creatures.

The ringing tone tours the terribly quiet house with each of us immersed in their own fears.

"Yes, alpha Adrien" the chief replies with a groan. It is obvious that even the strictly professional association with the blood pack does not please uncle Chris.

I leave my mom's side, getting closer to my mate as he squats his body to get a better vision of what's outside. Whatever it is.

"They're here" he informs, not bothering with introductions. His hand is kept on the curtains, holding them scarcely open only for his keen sight to eye the unsafe outside.

"The rogues?" uncle Chris questions in disbelief.

"I thought we took care of all of them"

"They're not blood pack related. Their scents are entirely different but they're rogues. No sane wolf would leave his grounds and step in a city in which they're not allowed to be " Adrien joins his arms together, peering around the house.

"Are you sure they're not blood pack rogues?" the chief questions disdainfully and my mate grunts.

"There is no way I wouldn't recognize my pack's members chief. Those dogs outside have no ties with the blood pack but they are certainly coming after its alpha and its Luna"

"The Luna?" The man from the other side yells. The word Luna wins his attention.

Adrien grabs the phone from me. Running his eyes around the small house, he runs all kinds of Calculations, testing the validity of all possible solutions.

"Listen here, Chris" he sips on a long inhale. "I'm in the city precisely in Sesil's house. I can take out the trash but I can't guarantee that the things aren't getting bloodstained. I already have two people to protect and I'm on my own, my underlings aren't with me. This is an apartment complex. Means too many breathing souls, you better send your forces here and medics as soon as you can, because trust me things are gonna get ugly" the sandy color is growing stronger in his irises and the bloodthirst is flexing the toned muscles he is hiding underneath his shirt.

"The city is not my responsibility Chris. I can't be bothered to save a person unrelated to me" he warns in a business-like, emotions-dry voice. My heart whimpers in a pricking ache. Once battle breaks out, he becomes a totally different person. The face and body that I recognize so well become painfully foreign.

He hangs up and backs his body against the wall. His face is being brutalized with his palms as he runs them harshly on his skin.

"Adrien" I whisper, reaching for his arms. His eyes look down at me. All kinds of emotions are being drained from his facade except for one, guilt. The only emotion he has never been conservative of keeping bolted.

"I'm sorry" he throws a glance at my mother. The shock has muted her words. She is lacking in all basic and necessary knowledge to spit out questions.

"Tend to your mom" he orders, tearing my hand away from his forearm and sending me away from him.

I stride toward my mother, placing my hands around her and watching my mate as he leaves the house with more than his hands on his sides. Fury and wrath are bulging his veins and his muscles, rendering his shirt unable to keep up with his refined size.

What are we going to do? Not only did my plan to convince my mom in a peaceful, civil way failed but we're also being threatened by external forces that I know a little about and meanwhile, my mom knows nothing about it.

"Sesil" a voice speaks inside of my head, reaping a startling wince out of my body. Feeling intruded on, in your brain does not feel precisely pleasant.

The only fact that the voice belongs to none other than my mate makes it at least, bearable to experience for the first time.

I automatically look up to glance at him. His mouth is constantly sealed. He is mind linking me, seeking to keep the rest of the conversation between him and me. My mom had already received too much for her own good.

"I'll have to get out. I can't let them in the house. You might get hurt or even your mother. Do not step outside of the house Sesil and keep the bloody door locked. I mean it"

He strides closer to the door, disappearing behind it as it shuts locked. The apologetic peek he bore to me is still taking a place between the disastrous ideas that are haunting me at the moment.


Getting out of the house, only an hour from entering it, I look around me. Humans are outside of their houses, inspecting the cause of the earlier noise.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now