chapter 24

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I take back a few vigilant steps. Still eying the pregnant woman clutching her inflated womb. She fights desperately against the cramps of her closer-as-ever labor. She fights a fight she cannot win. Katherine has nothing to do but scream at the urgency that her baby is applying to get out of her. Her face is swimming in her sweat and her veins are about to pop out of her skin. My head begins to spin again; the heavy gusts that I'm spurting out of my helpless system taste sour.

What am I supposed to do Now? Am I supposed to shield not only a whole pack of women and kids but also a woman who's delivering right at this moment?

How in the hell am I supposed to do that?

I place both of my hands on either side of my temples. My brain is blank as the day I was born. No matter how much effort I consume to find answers, any possible solutions, I only end up finding nothing because there is nothing in there, to begin with.

How am I supposed to survive just one of those monsters outside? Belle won't be able to win against all of them. There must be hundreds out there.

There is no escape from this.

The only reasonable decision to be made in such a dilemma is to run, escape somewhere else. But how can I leave these people behind me? Because whether I was the one who chose to lead them or even be a part of them or not. They are still my responsibility.

I huff, flinching when a small gentle hand touches my leg. my head drives down to inspect the source of the light touch that had landed on my skin. A little, hardly-standing baby pulls my skirt that is barely reaching my knees. I kneel in front of the angelic creature and cup his squishy-looking cheeks.

"Ethan?" a woman yells worried. She breaks her way inside of the crowds, looking for the same baby whom I am holding in my hand.

"I'm sorry Luna" I wave my hand at her and hand her little kid, assuring her that there is nothing she should be sorry for.

My eyes slip away from her to take in the rest of breathing souls in the large hall. Everyone is looking at me, hopefully. As if I'm the last rope they can cling into if they want to brace a potential chance in survival.

I've never felt this way, and to be honest it feels awful.

Yet, there are no other options. I have to keep everyone safe by any means necessary. Freaking out will not help me in solving this problem. If anything, it will only fog my judgments and my decisions. There is already too much panic, to begin with, no need to add mine too.

My head cocks to where belle stands. Watching my every insignificant motion, she glances at me with an unmanning interest. I call her mutedly and she heeds the call. Grabbing her arm as she finally stands beside me, I move her away from the circle of women, spiraling Kathrine's pit of agony.

"please call Laurine, we need someone to help her give birth since we can't exactly take her to a proper hospital right now" running my hand through my messily tied hair, I watch Kathrine as she clings into her best friend's hand for dear life, trying to convey every breaking that her cells are experiencing right now.

She nods slowly, steering her head toward the wall and staring at it aimlessly. I assume that she's mind linking her, after all, that is the fastest and the most practical way to contact her.

Not long, probably a few minutes after, Laurine emerges inside of the hall. She clicks her short, fact pacing steps against the marble floor. She fixes her route toward the source of Kathrine's woeful yells.

"Well, let's leave her while she takes care of that and we will take care of the outside" I bunch all of the courage I've mustered at the moment, and start heading toward the exit. Still clueless about what to do next. However, belle's arm grabs mine and blocks me from heading toward my definite death. Rolling over to her, a scowl forms on her pale face.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now