chapter 35

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My eye leads grip, perturbed by the strong light hovering around them. I snap them slowly open before starting to inspect my surroundings. The bedsheets beneath me feel amazingly soft as it is rubbing against what I can claim as my bare skin. I must have slept half-naked. Half-naked ...

My memories from what I caught last before diving into my slumber slam onto my brain. I tug my palm on the soil and sit on the bed, grabbing a part of the sheets to encircle what my underwear failed in wrapping. Adrien's trim appearance drags my droopy eyes behind it as he walks in.

He is clothed in a black shirt rolled up to his elbows, gratifying the attractiveness of his tanned skin and his green eyes. His forearms, and the loose collar of his shirt are illustrating the finest sample of his masculine structure underneath. Black slim-fit trousers to go with his blacktop and luxurious black with an antique bronze color watch to go with the whole outfit. His wood-brown hair is still wet from his morning shower and coiffed carelessly in a rough way. Just the way I like it. It makes his charm brighten in a wild guise.

He is pretty dressed up. Probably getting ready to leave for an important morning meeting. I haven't gotten the chance to see him go outside the pack often because he, as I can guess, doesn't want to leave me on my own.

He leads his way to me, holding a mug of coffee and a large cup of juice.

"Morning beautiful. Here" he greets me, handing me the cup. His manly cologne mixed with his natural one drugs my already drowsy nostrils.

"Figured you're not a coffee person" my hand grazes the frigid glass as I grab it from him. His peeks are exceedingly gentle to the breadth of concern. The scent of coffee is roaming the entire room, pleasing my senses. I might not be a coffee person since I don't like whatever tastes bitter but I've always been fond of strong scents.

He sips from his mug and trails my face using his fingers. Once reaching my forehead, he settles his palm on it, checking my temperature " how are you feeling?" He asks, his visions still checking me out, from my bare face to the lower parts that the covers did not reach.

"I feel okay" I answer after giving it a short period to think it through "I feel great actually"

Compared to how I was before I slept, I feel refreshed. The pain in my head feels light and my entire body is not throbbing anymore.

He smiles, leaning to plant a gentle kiss on my neck "seems like sleeping for an entire day helped you out, you really scared the hell out of me"

"I slept for how long?" I jolt. I can't believe I slept for a whole day. I slept like the dead from yesterday's morning to today's.

"A day sweetheart. I expected you would need more with the condition you were in all night. You kept tightening around me and murmuring random words. Your temperature kept rising and falling erratically until it settled down after midnight" he informs, taking the covers and putting them around my shoulders as he leaps to my level. Grasping my face into his palms, his glances deepen the contact between us.

I must have been dreaming about my past. After all, each one of us is destined to be chased by our demons for as long as we live. Some injuries just don't heal, instead they scar and leave their mark behind.

"I'm sorry about yesterday" he pleads, taking my hand into his and planting gentle kisses on it.

"I know you don't like being kept in the dark" he admits, shutting his eyes wearily and swallowing a sharp breath.

"I only do it because I want you to feel safe here, it took quite the effort to convince you to stay here and not try to run away, but my pack and my life's endless crises aren't exactly cooperative" his viridescent gapes prison my attention.

"And well, I don't think I can keep stuff from you from now on anyway" he gets up, leaving me in a daze.

What happened to him during the time I was passed out? I was mad at the fact that he had no intention of sharing his worries that I should share with him being his mate and I still, I am displeased about it, but I could've sworn that he wasn't feeling the least of remorse from keeping me in the dark and only telling me what he wants to let me know from last time we talked about it.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now