chapter 64

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A little buzz vocalizes throughout the room. Ava pulls out her phone. She reads the message that she received, pursing her lips tighter with every single word that her eyes pick from the text she has just obtained. Her unsettled glances graze over all of me before blowing out a slow breath.

"We have to meet with Greyson," Ava asserts, taking me by the hand and dragging me gently behind her.

"He sent you a message?" Justin looks at his sister with disdain. He pulls out his phone and throws a brief look at it "I didn't receive anything though"

Ava rolls over and shoots him with a venomous glare "maybe because he knows what you're trying to do"

Justin snorts "oh really Ava? What am I trying to do?"

"I heard your conversation with Marcus, Justin. I can't believe you're willing to serve that asshole's interest"

The whole air in the room converts into a sour one as I stand by Ava's side, staring at them in an increasingly building unrest. I don't know what they're talking about but since it is about me and that Marcus dude is involved too, I can tell that it is not something of pleasant sort.

Ava displays me behind her, portraying her brother as the enemy I should be swept away from.

"So what?" Justin bites on his lips, opposed to show any hesitancy that might shake what he is willing to do to me.

"Greyson said that we would have our revenge, and that's what she is here for. Open your eyes, Ava. With the way he is treating her, do you think he'll use her as a public display for our grand plan? they never stick to their fucking word, and Greyson is just another one of them"

"She is unrelated to all of this, Justin. She is innocent just like we were when we got chased out of our homes" Ava argues in a more rigid tone. Her voice is nothing like the only one I thought she is only capable of escorting out. I took her for someone quiet and her voice now is certainly not that.

Justin bites on his lower lip. Putting his hands on his hips, he hesitates to oppose her claim.

Another buzz comes from Ava's phone. She escorts her phone for the second time and peers into it.

"We have to go" she notifies, preparing to drag me out of the room. She ushers my body through the entrance and halts to look back at her brother.

"Greyson saved our lives, Justin. You at least ought to trust him a bit. What happened to us have nothing to do with neither of her nor her baby"

She throws him a last disgruntled glance and cuts through the long hallway with me hauled behind her.

Justin follows behind us shortly; his expression is not precisely of someone who is satisfied. His sister's scolding on whatever he was inclined and might still be willing to do with me doesn't seem to have exactly worked like a charm.

Walking down the stairs, Ava urges me to keep a careful eye on my steps so I don't trip on my rushed, clumsy trots.

Greyson meets us halfway; his hands are buttoning his white, see-through, and half-unfastened shirt. His eyes dock on me before they fly next to Ava.

"Everyone out, now" he roars. His voice reverberates throughout the whole mansion, sending his orders to every heeder's ears. Right after what I can only imagine a human howl would sound like, more noise erupts from inside the mansion, adding to the one already flaring outside of it.

"I hope you're happy, they came for you" he says, halting as he reaches both Ava and me. The greenness in his eyes is yet again unleashed from its borders, starving his ridiculously handsome face from any remaining human sparks.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now