chapter 19

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The fuck do you mean I can't go anywhere?" I ask, frowning at Adrien. annoyance is clearly depicted on my newly woken-up face. I can't believe he's going as far as forbidding me from going outside just because of a small incident that could never occur again.

"it is what it is love!" he shrugs, wearing his shoes last and exiting the room. He locks the door behind him, faster than my rushed, still-numb legs could reach.

"listen up, this is not a way to show your affection for a lady, young man" I yell, mortified; knowing that he's still behind the door. I swing the knob shakily for multiple times, although I know damn much that it is firmly locked.

"I can show you my affection when there is no psycho stalking you"

No matter what I say he's not going to open this damn door. I haven't known Adrien for a long time but his reflexes are becoming easier and easier to read. Knowing the stubbornness that clings to every ounce of his doggy soul and his unreasonable overprotective side, I know that I'm only wasting my time, being hopeful on something he already declined.

"what about my freaking opinion? aren't we supposed to handle this situation as a couple?" I plead with forbearance; I've always hated being confined in enclosed places.

"democracy means zero shit to me when it's about your safety," he says, his slowly decreasing voice speaking of the fact that he's moving further from the door. "go back to sleep Sesil, I won't be gone for too long" he orders before going entirely mute.

Turning my face again, I greet the room that I'll not be leaving for a while. I suppose this is what they call back to square one. Again, quarantined in this damn room for only god knows how long. How about he talks things out with his brother and leaves me the hell out of this.

I pick up one of the books that I took from his library that day, and spring it open from where I left last time. Reading will be a good way to spend my time.

As my eyes outline the title as it says packs. I open it, thrilled to know the content.

The pages read that there are more than sixty packs around the world residing in the biggest and the fanciest cities. Every pack is led by a particular bloodline decided from a long time ago by the moon goddess herself; and the alpha family shouldn't be changed or altered under no circumstances unless if the alpha himself is defied by one of his pack members and won against. My eyes climb down for a tiny writing at the end of the page saying that the winner of the duel should be one of the battled-for pack's members. Only then, he can take over his new rightful position as a crowned alpha after winning the duel.

But Adrien's dad wasn't one of the pack's members, how did he deal with that?

I lower my orifices back, continuing.

Only the ones who descend from the ancient alpha families have recognizable wolf eyes such as shining gold or bluish silver.

Adrien with no doubt has the golden color the book is talking about since I've seen it multiple times before. and Belle has the silver one. Jay did say that she's an alpha's child, so I guess that makes sense again. I wonder what made her run away from her pack? every one of them seems to have their own story, and not to lie I've been oddly relating to their past misery since I myself felt abandoned, having my own dad has never even whispered a loving or an affectionate word to me. If anything, he has always shown me how much he hates my existence in his life, trying his best to convince me that I'm nothing but a mistake two lovers made when they were still young and sprung.

Three knocks on my door snatch me out of my thoughts as a beautiful feminine voice reaches out for my attentive ears.


His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now