Chapter 47

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Stephan makes a lot of slips on the road, making me in full believe that his conscious driver self is no longer in charge. He is doing even worse than what a drunk driver would do and the fact that it is dark outside is not helping either.

"Stephan" I urge him, worried. "unlike you I can't survive a deadly accident Stephan" his nose crunches and his canines bulge against his mouth's inside walls. You've got to be kidding me.

I gasp in terror as he jerks into a sudden pull over. I think I've peaked into my entire life in these last few seconds.

"Stephan that was the worst pull over I've ever experienced" I scream but he pays no attention to my complaints.

"switch" he utters restless, his head drops powerless on the wheel and his eyes begin to change their color.

"crap" I hiss as I struggle to unbuckle myself. This is even worse than having nightmares of my boyfriend fucking a certain redhead.

"please tell me you're not shifting" I switch positions with him after getting him out of the driver's seat and getting him all cozy in my previous one.

"I'm not" he struggles to let the words out, I breathe in relief as I swerve the key. That's something at least.

"but I'm about to pound on my Luna and not live long to regret it"

My head drives toward his collapsed body. Shocked, I only mutter "you've got to be fucking kidding me. What happened to the I'm-not-mated-and-I-can-manage crap?"

"looks like it is not quite the normal bloody moon. It is a bit intense this time"

"no shit Stephan" I scream, struggling to keep tabs on both the dark road and the uncontrollably Horny wolf that is sitting beside me. looks like having a normal drive is a distant dream when it is Stephan and me. one of us just has to be either freaking out or having a hard on.

His arms cross over his chest and he leans downward.

"right now I'm actually glad for two things" he whispers. What is it to be glad about in a time like this?

"oh really? Enlighten me"

"well for one" he adds whispering again, his voice comes muffled as he speaks in his restrained position.

"I'm glad you smell like the alpha. At least it keeps my head clear enough to know that not even his fatherly side will spare me a fucking good torture" he breathes again, his back muscles engrave his shirt, as if his size is going wild as well.

"for two, I'm glad I've attended all of my regulations classes"

"how is that even fucking relevant"

"well because thanks to them that I know that raping a Luna will make them skin me alive, and I know damn much that the alpha will be so hung up on starting off with my godamn dick"

In the midst of my hysterical panic, I erupt in laughter as he exhaustedly laughs with me. I can't believe he is making a joke at a time like this.

"you might want to put me in one of the rooms Luna"

I watch as his back throbs slowly. I only mutter accepting words.

Supporting his huge body by hooking his arm on my neck, we make our way inside of the creepily silent packhouse.

I leave Stephan in one of the rooms on the first floor and run toward our room. If Stephan was in this situation, then, only god knows how Adrien would be. Luckily, I'm both suicidal and curious enough to want to know.

As I approach the room, faint crying moans invade my ears. My heart goes feral. No one resides on this floor beside me and Adrien.

Hoping of not meeting what I disdained, my eyes for ones, meet what they begged for but not quite what they wanted. Clearly, having the redhead only ten foot away from my mate is a luxury I can't have.

Scarlet is here, but she is not inside the room with him, she is outside. Still outside at least.

The bloody moon has done its share on her. Her legs aren't lifting her from ground level as she slides on the door and drums against it, pleading for the man inside to let her in. she isn't wearing much either, a night robe and nothing underneath as I can see.

"what are you doing here?" she pants, glaring at me. The audacity on this bitch.

"you can't do shit for him just by being yourself. A helpless human" she has no intention to stop blabbering the nonsense that she believed in and I unfortunately believed in too.

Being nearly helpless when it comes down to matters that only werewolves can handle, I, being the measly human I am, stand powerless each time. But not anymore. I've never let something stand in my way of getting what I want and I'm not about to let either a horny bitch nor my being a human stand in the way of tearing that door down on my mate and giving him shit that he deserves. Good type of shit.

"you're right about being helpless in times like these" she responds by backing herself with the door and smirking in acknowledgement. Giving her seconds to enjoy her short lived victory, I smirk as well, flicking off every urge that compels me to run out of the packhouse while tears spell on my stingily cold cheeks and not thinking of ever coming back again.

"but I'm the only person here sober enough to beat the dipshit out of you and be confident enough that you won't be able to defend yourself right now" I cross my arms and lean on the sharp corner frame.

"so tell me Scarlet" I master a confident look and shoot her with a piece of her own venom.

"who's really the helpless one between us?" I loosen my arms and strides closer to her collapsed, nearly naked body.

"if you understand that, then I suggest you better pick your ass up and find your nearest exit from this floor. That of course if you like your staying in the blood pack enough to want to stay in it" her grimace flinches and her body reacts to how much she knows that I mean every word of what I'm saying.

"oh and, I'm not your rival scarlet, nor a quick fuck that your ex is currently hooked on. I'm your Luna. I'm permanent and you're not" my icy glares point at her and she takes a few seconds to go through all of my threats – both the direct and the hidden ones – before she scoffs and starts moving as I ordered her to.

I wait until she finally vanishes from the hallways, stumbling on every two feet she takes.

I hammer against the door, shouting warningly. "open this godamn door Adrien''

No response cuts through my continued shouting. I'm pretty sure everyone in the pack house -no matter how few they are - knew that their alpha is being urged of letting a crazy girl with rapist and may be murderous intents in.

It takes me a few seconds to remember that I have a spare key.

I connect the key, not wasting another second and let myself in.

"you better not to tell me off-"

For a tiny fraction, I can't even see him as he drags me in and slams me against the door at a blurring speed. The poor door snarls shut with my body pushed against it. I scream in pain. That wasn't so nice.

I steer my head with my eyes slightly shut, still adjusting with the sting in my back. So far, not a good start.

My eyes meet the presence that is hovering above them, while his, are more gold than ever.

"you should've not come here" his arm slams against the door, right above my head. Despite his refusal and his resistance, he docks lower on me and trails my neck with his lips. Silently, his brims walk past my neck until attending to my mark.

I inhale sharply, unwillingly stilling in his prison and fighting the strong primal feeling of fleeing this damn room. Shortly after, very shortly, he proves my gut to be right when his canines root on my mark, letting me to free a desperate scream. 

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now