chapter 51

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I'm hosting every alpha in the world and their underlings along with their families inside of my pack in the next ten hours and the last thing I want is my stupid ass brother making a scene.

I glance over my shoulder. And it is Sesil that he's harassing this time. The freaking blood pack Luna.

I just can't believe him.

This girl is the only thing that can keep Adrien put in my pack and working on Greyson's matter until we're done. If something happens to her, all of my plans will go down.

At first, I was against having a normal human as a Luna, especially as I came seeking help from him. I'm hung up on finding a way around without flaming another war that my pack will certainly be dragged into. And if anyone is qualified enough to defy Greyson, that would only be his half-brother.

 Adrien might have gone rogue for several years but I know that he is the right choice when it comes to fighting. Adding to that, he's the only one who has been combatting with Greyson for years. He knows what we don't.

I am not a nice person but I'm calculating and opportunistic. Seeing the impact that she holds on the hunky goliath himself, I have decided that she deserves my recognition. And seeing her stand shielding her best friend behind her back and ready to fight off any kind of danger, I only become more certain of her great potential. A leader's figure.

I feel Aaron as he struggles with me holding him firmly. He deserves to have his head smashed with the wall.

"My guests are a red flag Aaron, get that into your fucking thick skull" I growl as I release him. Unless I seriously consider throwing him out of the pack, my orders for him are rather worthless. His mind might know what a red flag is but when it comes to women, his dick isn't exactly cooperative.

"All of them?" he questions childishly. Is he serious?

"You disgust me" I scowl at him, letting the two girls know just how much we have a perfect sibling relationship.

"Nothing unusual" he responds, cracking his neck that I must have dislocated when I shoved him against the wall.

"But seriously can I at least have this one?"  He questions, pointing at Sesil. I glance back at him with a threatening stare.

"She is a Luna dumbass and you better stay away from her. Although I won't mind watching her alpha as he smashes your manwhore skull" I growl again. My little brother is the only person that can get a rise out of my blood. He drives me crazy and not in a good way of it.

He pouts, folding his arms over his chest and rethinking his second option.

"don't even think about it. that's Jay's mate" I warn, taking a daring step toward him.

He rolls his eyes knowingly.

"Okay, okay. I don't wanna mess with that guy"  he blows off some steam and seals his eyes again on Sesil. He doesn't want to deal with Jay but he is ready to take on the risk of dealing with his alpha. How stupid is that? I can't believe that we got out of the same womb.

But then again Aaron doesn't know anything about Adrien. He was too young by the time Adrien left the council and stopped making appearances in official events. On the other hand, he knows Jay since he used to come on mission duties to my pack, along with his brother, back when I used to more or less date Stephan. Being the only neutral pack from what Oliver used to impose on the werewolf community, Adrien kept ties with us and us only.

His Human Luna - The His Series #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now